Chapter Fourteen: New Code?

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1 week has passed.

Still he's not back.

Lord God I miss him. A week felt like a month. He was unconscious for days. He lost a lot of blood, and his ribs had a bit of damage. He needs to go through some surgeries and stuff. I stayed with him for the weekend and I didn't go to school.

I stayed there beside him in three consecutive day. But I wasn't there with him this past few days cause yeah, school shits. But I couldn't have the guts leaving him there all alone.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

"Good morning Mister Andrada." I friendly greeted but with a touch of sarcasm as he opened the door. He narrowed his eyes blinded by the bright sun light.  I got a glimpse of a shadow behind him. And there she appeared, a sexy girl covering her body with a white blanket. Oh, he just got laid last night. I see, nothing new.

I smirked. I looked at the floor to hide it. "Fabian? What can I do for you?" He asked with his voice hoarse as he recognized me. "Who is this honey?" I almost gagged by their endearment. "Oh her? A friend of Aaron's." He replied to his whore.

I looked up back at him. "What a surprise! I thought you already forgotten him together with his name! Guess I was wrong." I stated with pure sarcasm.

I saw a glimpse of annoyance in his face. A look like he was utterly insulted. "What do you really want Fabian?" He asked impatiently. How grumpy.

"I want to talk to you." I looked at the girl he just had in bed last night as dinner I guess. "Alone." He heaved a sigh.

"Hey honey? Can you go back upstairs. I'll just have a word to this kid. Okay?" He said sweetly. Too sugar mister.

He let me in. I walked my way to their living room and sat to their sofa while he just stood. "So?" He asked expectantly.

"Are you really a parent?" I asked straight forwardly. He rolled his eyes.

"Fabian. You don't have the right to question me. Where are your manners young lady?"

"Why? Was that rude for you? Wow. Then what do you call a father leaving his son hanging? After your son didn't. Isn't that more rude Mister Andrada?" He was about to talk back but I didn't let him. "Aaron didn't leave you alone when you were broken. He was weak like you when his mother left. But he stood strong to clean up your fucking mess and to bring you back to a good shape. But ever since you started womanizing women, it's like you forgotten her. Aaron's mother. But it felt like you also forgotten your son."

Different emotion flashed into his eyes. Guilt. Realization. Sadness. Sorrow.

I walked my way to their door. I opened it but stopped in the process to say my last words. "Just so you know, your son is in the hospital. Room 134."

And since then, his dad was watching for him at the hospital. Well it wouldn't be easy to bring back how things used to be. But time is there to help him adjust and take the baby steps to catch up for the things he missed. It's not too late anyway.



I ran my way out of the door.

"FABIAN!" I immdeiately turned to the direction where I heard my name. There I saw Ally and I went to her direction. The hallways are now crowded with students. Her facial expression looks disturbed. More on panic and worried that made me nervous.

"What's wrong Ally?"

"It's Aaron." My heart immediately pounded hearing his name in that kind of tune. "Something very terrible happened to him." I finally heard what I fear to hear. What my heart fears to hear. Now it felt like it was punched too strong unexpectedly.

"Why? How did you know?" I asked hesistantly.

"Just go to the hospital Fabian. He really needs you so bad right now."



I kept on pressing the buttons to the elevator on the way up. My heart still pounded. I felt so nervous, worried amd panic. I was sweating like hell!

Finally it opened!

I pressed the number of floor to Aaron's room.


Please be okay. I ran my way to the hallways. I even bumped into a nurse. I jusy said sorry amd continued running. Until I reached for his door.

I opened it and the bed was empty.

But there was a small folded paper to his clean white bed. My hand was shaking as I picked it up. I unfolded it to read what's written to it.

Lost love?
Roses are red
Violets are blue
Go to the usual spot
Find the next clue

Yours truly
S E ;)

Silent Einstein! I felt nervous as hell. I ran my way to the ice cream parlor and opened the glass door. I tried to find where could I find the fucking clue. Oh fuck Gregory. I hate playing his games!

"Miss Fabian! This is for you." The guard approached me. He gave me a white envelope. I wrip the thing to the side and pulled out the folded paper.


BOOK: I don't Fucking Care by NoName1113

What the fuck does this code means?

Author's Note: Can you solve this one?:)

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