Chapter Eight: Envelope

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Fabian's POV

"Ally, I'm sorry." Kristina apologized as she breaks the silence in the atmosphere. "The price was just too tempting, it was hard to resist. But I already learned my lesson. I shouldn't use my skills and gift to harm others just for the sake of money. Sorry Ally." She bowed her head ashamed.

Ally gave her a smile. She gave Kristina a friendly hug. After a few seconds, she pulled out from the hug. "Forgiven. Keep up the good work for your photography skills. I'm happy that you've learned something from your mistake. "

"Me too Ally. I'm sorry if I creeped you out, because of my stupid texts. Now I feel totally dirty and disappointed to myself for texting those. It also makes me feel guilty to say those to an innocent girl like you. So sorry Ally." Ally did the same to Sam and hugged him.

"It's okay. I appreciate the apology and sincerity. Forgiven. Stay strong with your relationship. Please stay loyal." Both of them chuckled by Ally's statement.

"Uhm, Ally. Same here, hehe." Mark started shyly. "I'm sorry, for sending you those letters. I knew to myself it was wrong, but just like Kristina, the price that was offered was totally tempting. Then again, sorry. "

I am very happy to see such scene. I adore Ally's good heart. She's not determined to take revenge or loathe them. Instead, she forgave them. But of course it is also hard for her to just forget it. But at least she knows how to move on.

"Oh Ally." Sheila couldn't help it and hugged Ally. " I'm sorry I didn't listened to you. I just needed someone to blame. I didn't mean for you to be that someone. I'm such a bad friend. I just let my emotions take over--

"Shh. It's okay Sheila. What's important right now is were okay." Ally smiled still hugging her.

I could see from here how Sheila hugged her more tight. "I missed you." She said like a whisper.

"I missed you too." Finally they pulled out from the hug.

"You bitch!"

Everyone was startled by Gregory sudden attack. Attack to me. He had a fucking knife! I was frozen to where I stood as he ran to my direction. He pushed me that caused both of us to fall to the grass with a loud thud.

"Fucking get off of me!" I shouted as I tried to get him off on top of me. I tried to kick him in the groin when he was about to stab me. He groaned in pain.

Aaron got into action and pulled him off me. He tried to hold him on the ground, as Gregory tried to fight and set himself free. I hurriedly got the knife from him, I threw it anywhere and made sure it's far away from him.

Everything was happening too fast. I could feel the adrenaline rush through me. The panic I feel as my heart pumped rapidly. If everyone felt shocked, what more to me? The one who was attacked suddenly wasn't ready.

"Don't just stand there! Call the fucking guards!" Aaron exclaimed, as he struggled to hold down Gregory in the ground. I know he feels the same way. Just by looking at his expression.

Everyone was suddenly back to their senses. Kristina, Sam and Mark took action and separate ways to find some guards around the school.

Sheila hugged Ally who was crying so hard. She left Ally for a moment and went to me. "Are you okay Fabian?"

I was just staring at Gregory. He was too aggressive and too determined to set himself free. To determined to hurt me. Or worse, kill me. Aaron decided to punch him in the face so hard. That made Gregory lost his consciousness.

"No!!!!" Ally's voice shouted as her voice broke. She cried harder.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I managed to reply. Reply a lie. Nothing is fine.

Sheila nodded and went back to Ally who curled herself in a ball, as she sat in the bench. Sheila tried to comfort her and tried to calm her down.

Aaron decided to call the police. The garden is just too far away from the main gate where the guards could be found. It would take too long for the three of them to find one to this big school.

After Aaron ended the call, he went to me. "Hey? You okay?" He asked concerned as he sat beside me in the grass.

"You know I would lie if I said yes." He heaved a sigh hearing my reply. He knew I had a point. He suddenly hugged me.

"It'll be okay. You were too brave to manage to kick him in the balls though." I chuckled at his simple joke, realizing the past event that just happened. I couldn't also believe I did that.

"You're crazy." I rolled my eyes at him.

"Crazy for you."

"Psh. Well that's cringy." I stated. And he exaggerated his action of putting his hand in his chest, as if he was stabbed in the heart. Silly Sebs.

"Well that hurts. I just saved you and now that how you pay me back?"

"Whatever Sebs." I'm happy he really knows how to lighten the intense atmosphere. I'm happy he's here to make me smile by his simple words and actions.


3 days has passed.

Yeah, that long. Since the incident happen, things came back to normal. Except Gregory. He was sent somewhere for medical care. While Ally and Sheila were okay. But they still had a hard time accepting Gregory's sickness. It felt like losing him, that's how they felt.

While me, yeah I was shocked too. But I managed to move on. I can't imagine being a real detective in the field. If I feel too shocked in a simple attack, what more if I saw a dead corpse.

I was disgusted by my imagination of flesh and blood everywhere. If someday I'll be a real detective, I could meet killers who could take my life away. I shivered at the thought of someone killing me.

And Aaron? Still the same. But I noticed his sudden disappearance at times. I don't know. But there are time he sudden goes somewhere and disappear, then he'll just come back unexpected. So weird.

I walked my way in the main gate. Our guard greeted me and I greeted back. I walked my way in the hallways that were crowded with a lot of students.

Others are busy updating their friends of the past events that happened in their lives. While some had their headphones on as they drowned all the noises away, and had their own dimension. Just like me. Hunter Hayes' music played in mine. Some students are in the garden or had their own spots to study.

I took of my headphones off and I let it hang around my neck, as I open my locker to get my own things. Now I could hear the stomp of all the students feet that echoed in the hallways, matched up with the close-slamming-of-locker-doors. With some chatters of the students everywhere. Ugh, too noisy. I slammed my locker closed just like others, as I put my headphones back.

Suddenly I stepped on something that fell from my locker because of the impact it created when I closed it. It was an envelope. I picked it up to read it. I was actually thrilled to see one for an unknown reason.

As I got a closer look, it was a navy blue elegant envelope. I looked around and saw other girls holding the same letter. Others already opened theirs, and there I saw excitement in their eyes. Other girls giggled together with excitement and totally thrilled.

Well of course me, being too curious. I finally opened mine and pulled out the card inside. It was a navy blue elegant card just like its envelope, with white little dots in the background that looked like stars. In the middle I read 'Prom Night.' written in calligraphy in a big font size. Below it are the details of where, when, and time in a smaller font size.

Below it was written..

Wear your best dress and bring your own date to walk with you in the grand red carpet!

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