Chapter Nineteen: Home Coming

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*Knock knock knock*

The three consecutive knocks from the door of my room echoed in my gloomy and dark surroundings. I hear it opening and dad poked his head and sighed as he realized I just sat there at bed staring at nothing.

"Son? Would you mind if I come in?" he asked politely. I admire how dad still does his best to make sure not to invade my privacy.

I looked down and nod my head as a yes. A smile curved to his lips as he walked inside and sat beside me. "You have a package that came this morning," he informed as he put a small box, a bit bigger than my fist, I stared and read the details of the paper that was taped on front.


My eyes widen as the names slowly processed in my head. I didn't know what to feel. But I just did what my instincts say, open the box. I looked at dad like giving him a 'help me' look. Then he smiled and handed me a cutter. I didn't know why, but my heart pounded. I felt nervous cause I never heard anything from her the whole month she's gone.

I gently cut the tape that sealed it. I slowly unbox everything until there I saw a Watch?

I don't know why would she give me a watch. I was too distracted I didn't know I was already crying as my dad pat me at my shoulder. Then he stood up and left me cause he thinks I need the time alone.

I looked in the box and saw a letter. I felt a bit excited that maybe this is the answer to all the questions in my head and heart. I immediately unfolded it and read the written message from her.

I know that we said 'Nothing can tear us apart.'
I'm sorry, but please let time heal your broken heart.
Let time tell if we shall meet again.
If fate will let our paths cross again.
Time witnessed every event that occurred between us.
To remind us every second, minute and hours it lasted.
Good and bad events of our journey, time was there my dear love.
February 02, 2019 at 5:47 pm was the time I became yours.
But you have no idea when time said this all.
'You made him your greatest downfall.'
Time softly whispered to me.
That in order to move on, time is the key.
I'm doing this because I love you.
I'm sorry my love, but this is not easy for me too.

March, 23, 2019 at 5:03am.

Four months later..


My face that had this stoic expression turned into someone who's smirking because of the satisfaction of hitting the target where I wanted it to be hit. I was currently at a shooting range training myself.

*clap clap clap*

I hear my dad applaud for me. "Well done son!" dad praised as he put his arm around my shoulder. "You know, it's been a day we need a break. Let's go?" I smiled and nod my head in agreement.

We went to a famous Japanese restaurant to eat for lunch. And he talked about his experiences in a shooting range as he slowly learned, and I agreed that I could relate to his experiences with guns as I handled them. Well, I started taking Criminology now. Good thing I finally started to recover and go back to normal. But deep inside I'm still wounded and weak, but because of her poem, it made myself want to wait for her. Even if it is not certain if she'll come back. I felt pain at the thought of her not coming back. Damn, I miss her.

As months passed I got closer and closer to dad. We helped each other to move on with our lives and improved our relationship as father and son. We were on our way home, as we reached our destination he parked our car at the usual spot. He threw the keys at me and I managed to catch it.

I walked my way to our house but I abruptly stopped in my tracks. When I saw a woman standing in front of our door, waiting. My heart pounded from my chest, cause I knew so well how she looks even if her back is facing me. Even if she changed the length of her hair. I was at the edge of breaking down just by seeing her after a very very long time. "What' wrong son?" my dad asked confused so he followed my look and he had the same look like me as she saw the woman.

Because my dad finally breaks the silence, then the woman was now aware of our presence. So she slowly turned around and smiled as tears pooled to her eyes. "Mom?" I called out with a shaky voice. Is this a dream? If yes, please don't wake me up.

"Elaine? Is that you?" my dad asked, I heard his voice break. My mom cried and covered her mouth with her hands as she sobbed. She ran to us and couldn't help but hug me. "Oh my God I missed you Aaron!" my mom mumbled as she buries her face to my chest cause I'm taller than her. I couldn't help but hug her back as tears fell from my eyes, I felt too overwhelmed seeing her. "I'm sorry! I'm very sorry for leaving you." my mom sobbed again, she finds it hard to talk while crying cause I hear her voice break. "What are you doing here Elaine?" my dad asked coldly. But I know deep inside of him that he also missed her.

Mom pulled out from the hug and looked at my dad as she wiped her tears. "Do I still have room to stay?" she asked to the both of us, alternating her look from me to dad. I and dad exchanged glances.

I smiled. "Mom for me, you'll always have your special space. But--" I hesitantly looked at dad. "I don't know with dad."

My dad sighed. I know he doesn't know if he still has to accept her in his life. But I know for sure he missed mom. "If Aaron wants you here, it's okay with me." My dad forced a smile and tried to be as natural as possible. I know he is shocked as me by mom's sudden homecoming. My mom sobbed harder by hearing our response.

"I'm so sorry for leaving you both. You have no idea how sorry I am and guilty for what I did. Every day I regret it even though it was also for the two of you I had to do that." she explained between sobs. I felt the suffering she experienced by her words. And I felt her pain. That's why I wiped her tears and hugged her once again.

Mom pulled from the hug when she calmed.  She held my face and looked at me very seriously. She sniffed and I go nervous with her slightly red and teary serious eyes staring at me. "Thanks to Fabian. I had the chance to come back. She sacrificed so I can go home here with the two of you."

My eyes widen. If I was shocked when mom got home, but I was more shocked knowing her reason why. I couldn't move, it felt like someone dumped very cold water to me. So this was her reason. I am very much happy mom's home. But why do I find it hard to accept Fabian's the reason? She left me so mom can come back. It feels like the world is so unfair. Like I can't have them happily both in my life. Why? What did I do to deserve this?

I just hugged mom as I felt tears run down my cheeks. I sighed, trying to loosen up all the emotions I'm feeling. There's too many and I find it hard to breathe. Damn. How am I going to survive this? I'm still recovering from the pain she caused me. I don't know if I should be thankful and happy, or should I hate her for leaving me?

Why are you doing this to me, my love?

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