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"W-why did you left Mom?" I asked my voice shaking. "We deserve an explanation."

"Christian, I admit that I was impregnated by another man. But that man raped me! He knew about the baby, and he really wanted it. He wanted a family so bad, he wanted me to go with him. But I said I can't leave my own family, he could have the baby but not me. But he wanted the baby to grow up with a mom so he threatened me. That if I continue to refuse him, he'll hire a hitman to kill the both of you. I felt too much pressure and panic! So I tried to find a way, that's why I borrowed a big amount of money to you Christian. Cause I was hoping I could ask him to let me go in exchange for that money. He agreed, but he betrayed me! He used the money to a famous casino and he lost it all in just a snap! He was so mad, and it turns out like he was blaming me. Next day he introduced me to the hitman who was hired to kill the both of you. I was so nervous and I was so stressed cause I couldn't ask for help, I wasn't allowed to tell anybody especially to both of you. Don is a powerful man, he can do anything he wants so I have to be careful in making a move."

Everything she says hardly processes in my head. But now I understand her, but I still find it hard to accept. "Are you married to him?" dad asked and Elaine looked at her trying to study dad's expression and feelings.

"No. He wanted to but I refused. But he told everyone I was his wife, but I never acted like one so they question our fake marriage." I saw dad exhaled a breath of relief. And mom slightly smiled. "Was the annulment papers approved?" Mom asked but it feels like she already knows the answer which I find suspicious.

Dad looked at her and I think he saw the same thing. "Uhm, no. Cause your signature was different from your original one. You changed your signature. It was too late for me to ask you to repeat the signature cause you already left and I have no idea where to find you. And I don't know if I really wanted the annulment between us Elaine." dad explained sincerely. I know their love story, they're college sweethearts. So I know deep inside they still love each other.

Mom smiled. "I did that on purpose cause I really had plans to come back. But it wasn't easy to be in his hands. He made every plan I made impossible. But Fabian was there to make my homecoming sooner. He allowed me to leave but I had to leave our daughter to him. And she will never know about me." dad couldn't help but hugged her. And I smiled and cried out of happiness as I hugged them both.

"It's alright." my dad tried to comfort her."

"We missed you, mom," I whispered.


"Congratulations Aaron!" Mom shouted proudly bringing out the cake from the kitchen. I insisted that we should celebrate my graduation here at home. Cause I missed mom cooking for this kind of special occasions. We decided to celebrate it just the three of us, we didn't invite other family members cause I hate crowded places.

It feels like the lost colors here in our house came back. Everything was like back to normal. Our family was now happy and complete again. I'm happy to graduate with my family. But I couldn't help but think about her and wonder did she take the same course? Is she also thinking about me? Has she already graduated with the course we dreamed? I sighed and just enjoyed the celebration with my parents.


"We're proud of you Fabian. We're sorry if we pressured you to go here. But are you still mad at us dear?" Mom asked.

I felt happy about graduating. Finally achieving something you dreamed and worked hard for. But it feels like I'm about to face new hardships that are waiting for me to the field I chose. I smiled at my parents and to Lolo Felipe. "I may not be mad anymore. But you can't blame me that that part of my life changed me." I know they noticed how I changed.

Dad smiled slightly and hugged me. "I missed you, Fabian. I'm sorry if I made your life lonely. That is not what I wanted you to feel. But believe me, I'm very much proud of your success if you still want to continue your independent living, go on. Just make sure to visit and never forget about us okay?" dad reminded me.

Though I still hated him I still love him. I felt his fatherly love through his words so I hug him back. "Yes, dad," I replied.

"What reward do you want my dear granddaughter?" Lolo Felipe asked and I smiled at him.

If you can give him back to me, that would be the very best reward Lolo.

"I don't have anything in mind, Lolo Felipe," I replied to him.

"Same old Fabian. You always give me a hard time thinking about what gift to give you. Well anyway, congratulations you just made your family proud." he hugged me and I hug him back.

We decided to eat at a famous restaurant here in America. I enjoyed my time with them cause it's been a long time since we united together as a whole family eating dinner. As we finish, I bid goodbye as they dropped me off to my apartment.

"Aaron!" I smiled as I hug my dog that ran to me as I open my door, my dog which is a husky. The dog that Sebastian gave me. Aaron is like my best friend who made me feel that I'm not alone. He was a really big deal to me, cause he made me smile in his little ways. He actually reminds me of Sebastian.

I wonder, have you already graduated with the same course as mine?


Is this the end for the two of them? Will their paths cross again?
Could time really heal their broken hearts?
What does the future hold for them?
What could have destiny planned?

If ever they meet again, will they have a second chance?
If ever they meet again, do they still love each other?
What if they were separated for them to meet someone who is truly meant for them?
Where could their dreams and hopes take them?


Four years later..

Aaron's POV

Ring! Ring! Ring!

I opened one of my eyes because of my ringing cellphone, I took my phone groaning. "Mhm?" I sleepily mumbled.

"Hello? Bro! You okay??" Matt, my co-worker, shouted causing me to get the phone away from my ear. Damn, he's so loud.

"Would you please just tell me why did you call?" I impatiently asked him.

"You have a job to call murder case happened last night."

I am now a successful detective. I have a house, food to eat and loaded with money. "What's new? I'm used to it bro! It's my job! Did you call just because of that? Damn it!"

"No Aaron. I am not that stupid. This is a very serious murder case bro and you got a new partner!" He said with glee and I know he was annoying me.
What the hell? I was fully awakened because of what I heard. I had one rule: I work alone, I trust no one.

I ended the call and went to the office immediately. I wanted to protest and complain. I barged inside the office without knocking. But there I saw, a girl with beautiful silky black hair wearing a detective's outfit that suits her. I am facing her back, but I didn't know why my heart was beating so fast, it's been a long time since the last time I felt so nervous.

"Oh! Aaron! You're here!, I want you to meet your new partner." Our lieutenant said excitedly, The girl who was sitting stood up confidently faced me and I was still completely shocked, seeing her again after very long years. The girl who crushed my heart into million pieces excitedly extended her hand to me. "Nice to meet you, Mister Andrada. I am Camila Fabian Mercado, your new partner for this case," she said while smiling. She pretends like we didn't know each other. I took her hand and squeezed it. "It's a pleasure meeting you Miss Mercado." if she wants to play games, then I'm on it.

Not THE END but a new BEGINNING of their journey.

AN: Why Tragical Happiness? For those who read this without the prologue which was published too late, please read it for you to understand why. THANK YOU FOR THE SUPPORT even if I have little readers I value you guys a lot:) Is there a book two? Yazz. Finally finished this book! Love you guys! Live your life!

Date finished: April 03, 2019

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