A Short Authors Note

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So here we are again, dear reader. Some of you may have read some of my previous works, and some of you haven't. Either way, welcome. 

This was a story that came almost out of nowhere. It was never planned, but I'm oh so happy it did. 

Inspiration comes from everywhere and nowhere. Although this is still 100% fictional, I will admit inspiration came from two people I know of, at least in association with. They don't know each other, but the pestering question: What If? 

It snowballed from there. I sat down and started to write, and write, and write, with no intention or idea where it would lead me. And its been one hell of a ride! 

Look Out For Me is currently a working title, but that doesn't mean I don't cherish it any less.

Stay tuned fellow readers, and always remember to keep your eyes open for the beauty that surrounds you.

P.S. I dedicate this book to Kyra Cross. Yes you get another WHOLE book dedicated to you. 

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