Chapter Eleven

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Matt ordered himself a slice of tomato basil mozzarella toast. The tomato and mozzarella tasted so fresh that when Matt bit into it, he had to use a napkin to mop up the juices from around his mouth and chin. The baguette was crusty enough to make a healthy crunch after he bit into it. Matt knew for a fact this had to be pre prepared by Lucas himself.

Mel insisted on paying again, which was what he did with a debit card while Matt stood slightly to the side, as he took his second first bite. This wasn't the first or second time he'd had this. Yet it felt almost like it was first time all over again anyway. Matt might have to remind Lucas about taking over again someday.

Mel got himself the same, and he tried to juggle 3 smoothies. Matt made reach to help, which earned him a grateful look from Mel.

They had to start their way back to drop off a smoothie to Mia. Both Mia and Lucas were arm in arm. Lucas was now moved near the edge. This didn't shock Matt because he knew that in a settling like this, if you gave up your seat, you lost it forever.

Matt also hadn't realized just how much the temperature had dropped. It must've dropped like 20 degrees during their wait.

Lucas noticed their approach first. Matt led the way and Mel shadowed to his right. Lucas smiled and gave an eyebrow raise to indicate that Matt was probably smiling a lot. Matt tried to give him a dark look but it was impossible to stop smiling when in Mel's presence.

The hype for the game really went up a notch, but there were too many people standing up, screaming their heads off, for Matt to get a good look. His head turned, but he kept himself on task. Lucas kept his attention on them the entire time and appeared to show his approval at their choices.

"You didn't get me anything?" Lucas asked once they were close enough and the crowd was finally starting to quiet down a little again. "I'm hurt."


Both Mel and Mia seemed indifferent to the small exchange Lucas and Matt were having. Mia thanked Mel as she took her smoothie but like any normal brat sister, "Where's my popcorn."

Mel gave a reply but Lucas and Matt were still having a moment.

He's so fucking hot, Matt said moving his mouth while using his face expression and body language to help convey the message.

She is too, Lucas implied the same, but he kept his mouth movement by hiding behind the back of his hand.

They didn't continue because they both noticed they finally had an audience. Mel had somewhat of a knowing smile while Mia looked like she expected an explanation.

"We'll be right back!" Matt had to shout because the game got really exciting again.

Lucas gave a, What? You're leaving me? Expression but Matt knew well enough. It was a wise move. Lucas turned his head to say something smart and witty. Mel and Matt headed back to the other line.

This line was shorter but it would still take a few minutes to work through. They decided to take advantage of their time by eating their food.

"Wow. Just wow." Mel was saying between mouthfuls. Matt had this seen all before. People inhaled anything prepared by Lucas. At least for the first 10 times. "You said you wanted to discover something I'm not perfect at." He rose his toast to make the point. "This is it."

"If I had half the talent your friend has, I would've opened my own place a long time ago."

It was always a pleasant feeling Matt got. Whenever someone spoke open and positive about his best friend. "You just earned yourself an extra 40 respect points for saying that."

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