Chapter Six

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It was later. Maybe a week later when Matt saw Mel again. Matt's car crapped out on him again, the second time in the past 3 months, but Matt wasn't complaining. He woke up on the right side of bed, even while knowing his car was currently in the shop. It would be another day or two before it would be drive-able again. He had it set up to get his brakes checked, and it was a good thing too. The brake belt was looking worn down.

Two birds with one stone!

It was another slightly chilly day, but the sun felt warm. Not enough to make him sweat unless his usual morning run routine counted. Today was a day Matt could only count his blessings. He felt as though everything was currently on the right track. He was where he needed to be.

Not only was the weather great but he was called a kid by a kid. A boy who was at the brink of hitting puberty was out walking around, noticed Matt. Matt tried to ignore him since he was almost finished. He still had a schedule to keep. The kid wore a dark gray sweater with matching sweatpants. His skin was like milk and his dark hair was curly. He held a couple of motorized cars in each hand. When Matt pulled one of his headphones out of his ear, he was called out to as: Hey kid.

The kid just wanted to share that someone killed his other motorized car thing. Matt uncomfortably offered a soft apology as he continued on his way. He felt flattered not long after.

Matt had to stand since all the seats on the bus were taken. He rarely ever took the bus, but considering his current situation, he rolled with the punches. He held onto one of the few strap handles when he noticed Mel standing just a few paces away. He too was holding onto a strap handle. They both seemed to notice each other at the same time.

Matt shot him a grateful smile. His good mood only lifted higher at the acknowledgment Mel's face offered before sending a soft, but small smile back.

Oh if only Matt could have had more time with Mel at the laundromat. But what else could they have done? Take turns playing PAC-MAN? Matt found himself smiling at the idea. It would have felt like a date, but he figured anything with Mel would feel like a good date in his book.

Speaking of dates, Matt had yet another opportunity right in front of him. All he needed to do was go up and talk to Mel. Unfortunately, the timing was once again off because the bus came to stop in front of Deusas where Mel worked as a bank teller. Not that he would know that. Mel was dressed in a light blue and white checkered shirt. The tie was a darker hue and he wore tanned khakis. He looked professional. He looked great.

Matt hoped he wasn't smiling too broadly. He didn't want to give Mel any creepy impressions.

Mel stepped off the bus, but kept looking towards Matt. Matt wasn't fully sure what he should've said or done. Mel had to get to work just as Matt was on his way to doing the same. How odd they both had jobs where they would for sure, have Sundays and holidays off. Coincidence?

Matt still made it work on time, and he sighed in relief upon noticing Andrea's absence. He clocked in just as Dennis, a part time 19 year old employee he rarely crossed paths with, clocked out. He joined Amber at the front desk and got to work.

It was a slow day, not that Matt would complain. That meant there was some quiet chat time with Amber, which mostly consisted of some small talk. He had to get up and help an ancient old woman with the computer. She had forms to print out. What was supposed to be an easy task turned into a difficult one. Amber ended up taking over. Matt swapped places and had to help someone check out a few books.

The hours ticked by, and Matt was shocked to see Lucas show up. But not shocked to see Lucas wasn't empty handed.

Matt never had to copy and paste a smile on his face when he saw Lucas. Lucas looked equally as pleased to see him too.

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