Chapter Ten

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The world changed when the weather did as September ended and October began. Matt could feel a physical change in the air the morning he went out for a run. The leaves on the trees were starting to change yellow, orange and brown. Even though Matt loved the colors, he felt thankful that he didn't own a house. He'd spent hours back in his hometown, in Ohio with Lucas going door to door. A lot of people needed help with raking up the leaves.

Matt felt like his blisters had blisters, but wouldn't be the case anymore.

Matt loved Halloween, so there was that. He also loved how Dorford got together for events this time of year. Tonight he was due for some volunteer work at the concession stand, where he would offer hot dogs, hot chocolate, popcorn and snack bars. All for a small reasonable price, proceeds that went towards Baker View High. It would be the Gryphons vs the Pythons. Matt would naturally root for Gryphons, they were at the home team after all.

That also meant Lucas would be, obviously in a nearby concession stand, representing Jans House to sell what he deemed to be better suited for the crowd. Matt didn't mind. It would be as close to old times like before. Back around a time when they both worked at the same restaurant. Matt couldn't remember the name of the place because it closed down over 5 years ago. That was around the time Lucas started working in the back of the kitchen and Matt worked as a server out front. They shared the same shifts, and Matt kind of missed that.

The library staff would work at the same concession stand with him. He looked forward to stealing small pieces of popcorn with Amber, and the free hot chocolate. Even though it wouldn't be quite as chilly as last year, judging by the weathers current condition. A small part of Matt kind of missed summer.

Matt also loved the hype the crowd brought, even though Matt was never particularly a sports fan. The music, endless chatter and the smells all added to the ambiance Matt found comforting.

The sun was mostly behind the trees when he arrived to help set up. There were plenty of early arrive'rs, families mostly with strollers and small children in their tiny light jackets. Matt smiled at that, but he had a lot of work to get to.

An hour ticked by when Lucas arrived, and much to Matt's shock, so did Alyssa. Alyssa had her hair tucked in puffy looking black jacket that showed some midriff. She appeared glued to his side and looked around in wonder. There was so little Matt knew about her even though they'd been crossing paths with each other for years now. Unfortunately they never would get to knowing each other since this was supposed to be her last week in Dorford.

Since it was Saturday, and Dorford didn't have a lot to offer, that meant the masses would be large. Dorford did not let Matt down, but he wouldn't complain. More people meant more work which mean more proceeds towards the school they were all cheering for. Some residents from a couple towns north, Warrington, mixed in with the Dorford residents. Yet everyone looked pleasantly comfortable.

The only thing that made Matt feel a little queasy was that Amber called in sick last minute. Which meant he would be stuck with Andrea. Matt wasn't going to let it dampen his spirits because things were quickly starting to kick off. Lucas not only arrived with Alyssa, but a lot of staff members from Jans House. There were enough of them to suggest that Jans House would be closed for the night. Once again, it was Lucas's idea to bring the cooking and prep meals of Jans house to this location. If anyone simply forgot, they would find a flyer taped to the front door.

Matt thought was awfully smart and charitable. Matt made sure to throw Lucas a thumbs up when he was able to catch Lucas's eye.

Alyssa seemed to notice this. Her head turned from Lucas to Matt. Matt offered a little wave, but he found it a little strange when Alyssa gave a half hearted wave back. He had to turn to a customer who wanted seven hot dogs. Matt was too busy in the little closed-in stand to think of anything else besides work.

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