Deleted Scene Featuring Matt and Mel

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Authors Note: Man it sucks when I have to take out a scene that is not only showing more of Matt's passionate side, he is a very passionate person of which I can relate to, but it slowed down the pace of the story too much. However I could not let myself be cruel enough to hide it from the world. Matt is a deep thinker, which is something both Mel and Lucas admire. This was originally in the 18th chapter when Matt started spending more time with Mel while Lucas was hiding from the world. So enjoy!

"Thanks for letting my use your laundry room." Matt said while dumping his colored clothes from the washer to the dryer. He hung up some of his shirts, and started tossing his whites into the washer. Mel was just outside the door frame, watching. The furnace had just kicked on and Matt's mind suddenly went elsewhere during his task.

The sound of the air traveling through various ventilation eased his nervous energy. Being around Mel was intense sometimes, but not because Mel intended it to be that way. That was what came natural to him. At least, that was Matt's theory.

"What are you thinking about?"

Matt felt the gentle pull from his soothing thoughts, of almost nothing before finishing his task. "Maybe it's better I show you." He fumbled a little with some of the switches. Mel obviously loved to live in a modern world. Compared to the machines Matt grew up with, and used at the local laundromat, those were ancient.

"Just follow me." Matt said this once he closed the washer. He had to pass by Mel, the woosh of spice, wood, mystery and man enshrouded him. Matt was sure he brought some of it with him. Matt had to resist the urge to grab Mel by the shirt and give him a deep kiss that could lead to other things. Matt knew by now that Mel could keep up!

Mel followed, hesitantly, but the pull of his curiosity kept his feet moving which was exactly what Matt wanted to happen. He came towards the door, opened it and stepped through. Mel looked quizzically at Matt before he let himself halfway out. He didn't look around the yard like Matt kind of hoped he would.

Instead Matt made himself look around, but turned his focus out towards the West. It was a beautiful setting. He tried to take it all in. From the cozy looking houses to the sun setting in the West. "Sometimes, I love this part of day."

He looked back to Mel. "Sometimes, it makes me sad." Matt waited until Mel blinked a couple of times. "Because it reminds me of days as a child, of playing all day outside with my friends no matter the weather. This time of day meant it nearly time to go back inside. Our time together was limited. So we made the best of it while we could."

He waited for it all to sink in and to help the moment bring them to his point. Mel started to look like he was getting cold. Matt just nodded to himself before coming back towards the door. Mel had to step back, and Matt had to ignore the way Mel's eye's brightened with lust.

"Makes you appreciate the warmth doesn't it?" Matt shut the door behind him. "That we don't have to worry about how to stay warm tonight. Or where to sleep. In fact, this whole house feels like a loving environment. I noticed it on my first visit. The thought and care you put into this place. From what you put on the walls, down to the cushion that isn't put there for just decoration. It's a real labor of love."

"You're saying that, we should be grateful for what we do have."

Matt could almost feel the rumble of Mel's chest as he spoke. It was making Matt feel tingles as the blood rushed south, but he needed to stay on task.

"Mmm, allow me to elaborate," Matt turned his face towards the back door and looked thoughtful. "That is part of it, but not really. What I'm really trying to say is, find and give yourself a moment to look fondly back on. No matter how small it may be. I guess that's a way of saying, live in the now. Just thinking of the future kind of gives me anxiety. Even though I catch myself thinking of that a lot. You know, like what my gas bill might be, and do I have enough money? It hopefully won't put my bank account in the negative, which could lead to a fee that'll make things difficult along the way if I'm not careful. There you see? I'm already giving myself anxiety right now."

Matt allowed himself a chuckle to ease the pressure.

"I love being able to come here when you cook. I can smell a hint of it just outside your front door. Its inviting, like coming home. In a strange way. I uh, hope I'm not coming on too strong here. I'm not trying to say I want to move in. Uh. Moving on!"

Mel's eyes did that thing like he was scanning Matt up the soles of his feet, to the tips of his hair. Mel hadn't touched Matt, but Matt felt like he was being touched in all the right places. It felt good to be naked an exposed with Mel.

"That's another thing I can appreciate. The food. It doesn't have to be something gourmet. You could have nuked it in the microwave for all I care and I'll still eat it. You still put some work into making it, and that means a lot."

That made Mel smile, and Matt returned it with a smile of his own.

"I appreciate you Mel. I look forward to spending time here with you. I want to treasure our time together. I want to create memories, big and small with you. Let's make lots of memories together."

Matt wasn't sure how or when it happened, because it was not long after. All he knew was that his back hit the wall, his leg was pushed up to allow better access for Mel. He rode Mel's fingers until his throat almost felt raw. And then Mel took Matt from behind to slide his cock inside. All thoughts of his worries were banished the moment Mel put his hands on Matt. Matt gave all of himself and let Mel have all the power.

Mel did not disappoint. 

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