Chapter Fourteen

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Authors Note: There's a touch of more graphic content.

Mel let Matt use his shower first. It was a beautifully decorated bathroom. Some white tile walls with light blue paint. It was obviously the master bathroom with a hot tub, a stand stall shower, toilet and a counter with a double sink. Now that Matt came twice, his thoughts were clearer. From one easy look around Mel's elaborated decor bedroom and bathroom, Mel was a neat person. Not that he went as far as being OCD. There was a clutter of things he used on the sink to suggest he didn't take things that far.

This helped put Matt's mind at ease since he too was a clean person who wasn't OCD either.

While Matt washed his hair, he thought, we could live together like this.

The stall door opened and Mel stepped inside. Matt could feel Mel's cock rock hard again as it pressed against his ass. Matt teasingly pressed himself against Mel, instead of making more room for him. He heard Mel shut the door.

"In time my little nympho. In time." Mel's hands were at Matt's hips as he gently pushed himself forward, but he felt Mel's cock throb hard against him. "Here, let me."

Matt felt like he had cleanest skin in history by the time Mel finished. Matt too felt his cock make several jumps in anticipation. The sight of not just seeing Mel full blown naked for the first time, but the water ran down everything that impressed him physically. Mel gave him knowing looks and only spoke an order for Matt to move around for him when he needed to. He had very heavenly fingers as he worked the soap studs from Matt's hair. Matt couldn't resist, he gave one of Mel's fingers a short firm suck.

Mel let out a small gasp, hopefully remembering how good Matt was with his mouth, but he continued with the body wash anyway.

After that, Matt tried to do the same for Mel, but unlike Mel, he was clumsy about it. When it came to start washing Mel's chest, Matt gave it a tiny kiss. This brought no reaction he could see, hear or feel. With the soap in his left hand, the tight space of room, the difference of height good enough, Matt leaned forward and suckled Mel's nipple.

THAT got a reaction.

"You're making this really hard for me."

"I can tell." Matt said before suckling harder. Mel held his hand over the back of Mel's head for a bit. When he released his gentle hold, Matt understood enough was enough. Even though he was sure Mel would've let him continue anyway. Matt still had another trick up his sleeve.

He first continued to wash Mel's back but he had do it while almost hugging the man. He took care of his arms but before he could finish the other arm, he dropped the soap.

Matt left the soap where it was and gave Mel's cock a nice hard suck. Mel jumped and hissed, which was probably the best reaction he got out of Mel all day. Mel appeared to leer, but Matt knew better. He picked up the soap, mission accomplished and finished his work with no more teases.

Mel gave Matt a fluffy sky blue towel after he stepped out. Matt didn't have to guess what Mel's favorite color was. Mel wore a skinny almost thin white towel wrapped around his own waist. Matt couldn't help looking as he knew exactly what Mel was packing now. Mel noticed Matt noticing and smiled as he started to dry his own hair.

"Any chance you'll tell me just what you have planned for night yet?" Matt asked this while drying his own hair. He also couldn't help but notice just how domestic they were being right now. It made him feel warm and excited inside.

"Well, since no has ever let me take control over their skull like that before, or been able to handle it like you, I will." Matt waited and Mel took his time drying other parts of himself. If Mel was trying to push Matt's patience buttons, he was going to have push a lot harder. Although, Matt could think of something else Mel could press Matt with. Preferably into Matt. "Mia is really into astronomy. I'm sure you saw that telescope out front? She says we're in for a rare meteor shower tonight. It's supposed to last until 4 in the morning. Which, you can stay the night if you want."

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