Chapter Thirteen

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Authors Note: There is a part in this chapter that contains some graphic sexual descriptions and teasing. 

The walk was pleasant as always. He took notice that even Lucas was trying to make the most of what good weather they had left. The winter would surely be bitter and cruel again this year. That was the only downside to living in Dorford. At least they would be prepared with space heaters, generators and enough gas to keep the night warm enough. Lucas would either hang out with Matt, or Matt would stay at Lucas's apartment until the electricity came back on. They'd keep each other company to wait out the inevitable blizzard which inevitably came once every winter.

Sometimes they would fall asleep holding each other throughout the night to stay warm.

Lucas sat in one of the plastic green chairs while Matt put everything in the washer. Matt took the seat next to Lucas and started to read. Matt was feeling very grateful that Lucas was never the chatterbox kind. His company was like a salve, or an ointment to his anxiety. Matt wasn't sure what he needed to be nervous about. It was an array of different things.

One of those things being that he worried about Lucas, and what he was going through. The other was about tonight. His relationship with Mel was like a newborn baby. They would learn things about each other. Not all of it had to be good either. Some would feel intolerable, but Matt had to have faith. Not just in himself but in Mel. There would have to be compromise between them and boundaries.

If there was anything Matt feared or worried about most, was being with a possessive jerk. Not that he picked any of those vibes up from Mel, but he couldn't know for sure yet.

Lucas continued to scroll through various things on his phone. Sometimes laughing at things, but mostly silent. Matt barely registered that he had moved closed to Lucas, and Lucas had his arm slung around Matt. Matt figured he probably shouldn't allow it since he was now a spoken man! But it was harmless. They were friends, nothing more.

Mel had used this laundromat, he could pop in at any time.

Lucas must have sensed all this because he un-slung his arm from Matt. It happened to be convenient, because the timer went off meaning Matt had to move his stuff from the washer to the dryer.

Matt became a ball of nerves by the time he finished and returned. He felt certain that he wasn't doing anything wrong. He leaned closer to Lucas again like it was the most natural thing in the world to do. They weren't doing anything wrong! Lucas kept his hands to himself.

Matt thought about setting his book to the side and at least strike up some conversation about what to do about Jans House. He just couldn't bring himself to say the words.

Lucas eventually laid his arm over Matt's shoulders and Matt reached up to give Lucas's hand a gentle squeeze. He never let go of Lucas's hand. Then a strange thought came over Matt's mind. It was enough to make his heartbeat erratic. Lucas gave a, what the fucks wrong with you? But Matt felt terror wash over him. He couldn't say the words and he wouldn't let his mind finish the thought.

That was a line he could not, would not cross.

Mel lived in the southern region of Dorford. It was another residential area. It took a few turns to get there. He lived on a street bent like an elbow. His house was located in a court-like area with another house both facing inwards towards the crescent like court. Lucas drove, he insisted. They passed a short street called Old Forge Court to their right. The court wasn't like your usual court street, it curved to the left.

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