Chapter Seven

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Jans House was almost in the full swing of things when Matt arrived. He knew the wait would be awhile so he figured he would order something while he waited for things to slow down. Sarah a youthful girl somewhere in her early 20s recognized Matt instantly. Matt was sure he knew every staff member by name now. Sarah made a quick hand gesture to seat himself, though vigorously because it was obviously a busy night.

The cars on the street did nothing compared to how packed it was inside. Matt had to take a stool over the window which set him furthest from the kitchen. Not that Lucas would be anywhere outside of the kitchen, unless he went on break in the back alley for a smoke. Lucas wasn't what you would call a real smoker since he switched to vaping. Every now and then he'd pull out a cigarette, usually on a hectic night like this.

A waiter by the name Jeremiah, a kid just trying to get through college judging by his tired eyes took his order. Matt just ordered whatever the special was. Lucas was in charge of the special, and even though Matt already ate, his mouth watered a little bit. Matt also couldn't help but pity the kid since he knew all too well what it was like being a waiter. Matt once had to hold a job as a waiter for his first two years in college. It was a lot more work compared to what it looked like. He had to learn quickly on how to make a lasting impression to earn tips, which was the hardest part for him. It wasn't like you could sit down and have some one on one with the customer to get them to like you.

Matt had no time to offer the kid advice because like a good waiter, he was gone and headed towards the kitchen. Matt was glad he brought a paperback copy, more Kyra Cross, damn that girl could write! It was also a page turner because he was already in the 7th chapter when his food arrived. He took a reading break as he vigorously ate. As usual, Lucas didn't let him down. There was also a note delivered along with his meal which said: On break at 10.

Matt had a little over an hour to go. He figured he might as well order some dessert, some key lime pie. Instead he received a bowl of frozen yogurt dots with another note: Nice try. He smiled knowing he was still being looked after.

Sarah waved at Matt when she passed by him the 5th time. She let him know she had already alerted Lucas. He figured he should correct her since he already sent Lucas a text message when he was on his way over, but he didn't. Instead he thanked her and went back to reading. He received his check, which to no surprise was already paid for, by Lucas no less.

Instead of frowning, Matt simply gave Jeramiah a big fat tip. He seemed delighted to have it.

When 10 o'clock finally hit, Serah tapped him on the shoulder and nudged him to head on back. Most of the seats had cleared out by this point. It was getting close to closing time. Matt knew his way and he returned a few greetings to a few staff members along the way. He went through the kitchen, made a left towards the locker room, then a right to the backdoor. It was already wedged open with a bucket of water and soap studs.

A puff of white smoke wafted the air which gave away Lucas's position. Matt stepped out into the alleyway that was narrow enough to fit two grown men side by side in. Any more and it would be a struggle. Matt also couldn't help but find it depressing to look at. There was the back of a fence and a concrete abandoned building with windows boarded up. He couldn't see shit, much less anything nice.

Matt figured this would be the perfect place for crime, but luckily Dorford had a very low crime rate. It was almost nonexistent!

"Something else on your mind?" Lucas took another drag before letting it out, but in the opposite direction from Matt's face.

Matt figured it was best to dive right into things. "I sort of have a date with a friend here tomorrow at six." Matt wasn't sure he saw Lucas frown in distaste. He plowed on anyway with the unexpected story.

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