Chapter Twenty

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Over 7 Years Ago

Hours went by. Most of their party had left to join the majority on the dance floor. It was just Lucas and Matt, side by side, smiling at things. Sometimes at each other for no good reason. They existed in their own little world, impenetrable from the rest of their surroundings.

Matt shared his trusty iPod which Lucas said was ancient. Matt covered up his iPod as if it could hear him.They listened to some M83 which Lucas found tolerable. They had some differing opinions when it came to music. Matt liked indie, things that weren't well known. He wasn't much for lyrics. It was the beat and the feeling the music gave.

Lucas was near the opposite. He listened to a lot of rap, and some mainstream pop music. Some of which Matt liked. It worked the other way around too.

Matt was not surprised to find the Misfits crew join their little party, but what did surprise him was that Corey was standing directly in front of him. Matt could feel the tension Lucas gave off for a few seconds before relaxing again. They exchanged the typical fist bump, a rite of passage Matt never got around to adapting to, but it was clear Corey had something he wanted to say to Matt. Matt tired not blush, but it was kind of impossible.

"Can I talk to you for a sec?" Corey never sat, but the rest of the crew did. They turned their chairs backwards and sat. One of the boys, Matt couldn't remember his name shot Taissa a wink. Taissa masked her indifference with a smile.

Matt looked to Lucas and Lucas looked back, his mouth slightly hanging open. It looked like his brain was moving sluggishly.

Corey turned impatient. "Do you always need his permission to go anywhere?"

He still hadn't grown out of his bad attitude.

"He's a big boy," Lucas said in a I'm putting my feet on the table and don't give a fuck attitude. "He can decide for himself."

Matt gave him a thanks-for-the-help look which Lucas pointedly ignored.

Matt stood and Corey looked a little like he just got what he wanted. Matt wasn't sure what to make of that, but his nerves shot up a little higher. He could feel his hands to start to shake, and Lucas's hands appeared to be shaking too under the table. He found himself looking worriedly at Lucas for some hint or clue.

Instead he made himself face forward, with half a smile while avoiding direct eye contact with Corey.

"Don't leave my sight," he thought he heard Lucas whisper.

Matt would have nodded to confirm but Corey was still looking at him. They walked almost side by side. Matt let Corey lead which seemed to please him. The rest of the Misfits moved closer to the rest of the group. Matt spared one glance back to find Lucas staring at him, he looked a little furious. After all these years, Matt still couldn't figure him out. Every time he felt like reached the core, or found out everything there was to know, he'd find another layer. A new depth to Lucas.

Corey led Matt towards the wall by an exit where the class usually came and left during Gym sessions. It led directly to the tennis field. To the right, the football field and track. To the left the basketball hoops and the area to play volleyball. There was a baseball field further out where softball was also played.

Matt took note that Corey still kept in healthy line of sight of Lucas. This helped Matt relax more.

"Relax bro." Corey said. "I didn't bring you over here to hurt you. I'd never do that."

"Because you're afraid Lucas would kick your ass?"

"No." He didn't elaborate. He reached into his pocket to pull out an electric cigarette, which didn't bother Matt. He made a quick sweep with his eyes to make sure none of the teachers would catch them, not that Corey seemed to care.

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