Chapter Eight

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It might have been near a whole two weeks since that night. Matt still found himself shuddering at the memory. He never saw or heard from Mel over that course of time, but Matt stayed true to his word. He waited. Though he wished he had a clear answer on just what he was waiting for. For all he knew, friends was all they would be.

Lucas was furious, but in Lucas's own way it was in the way he threw himself into work. Matt had a hard time catching Lucas for some quality time. Matt persisted when he could, but he was very patient. He'd leave Lucas alone for days at a time before trying again.

"If the man had any ounce of respect or common sense, he needs to snatch you up before someone else comes along. Who the fuck does he think he is?"

Matt thought about defending Mel, but he knew it was wise enough not to. Lucas would keep to his hot temper thanks to whatever/however story Sarah likely told him. Matt was sure, even if it were from his own lips, the result wouldn't be that much different.

"I say, don't do it. Don't wait. Let him suffer." Lucas was really giving it to a tomato on the chopping board in his kitchen. "You want a boyfriend that badly? I know a few bars. I'll gladly be your wingman. Just say the word and you better get a hot one. I don't give a fuck if I have to get in the threesome if it gets him in bed with you."

That escalated quickly.

Matt's face was prepared to make a quip, but Lucas was out for murder on the celery now. Matt let him say what he wanted and stayed seated on the couch in front of the television. They were set to watch some old action movies together. Matt was generally into movies with bad ass chicks, which greatly benefited the eye candy Lucas wanted.

Lucas as usual was in charge of the healthy snacks while Matt made laps around the living room area, that was overlooked by the kitchen to tidy up. It wasn't that Lucas was a slob, he was just too busy a lot. Matt also didn't mind the work. It was always a this-hand-washes-this-hand-too agreement they always had with each other.

"I actually liked the son of a bitch." Matt was finally starting to see the signs of Lucas burning himself out. It was in the way Lucas's shoulders started to sag and his profanity started to lesson. The slices of tomato avocado melts were almost done by the time he quieted down enough.

"You good?" Lucas asked after setting them down each a plate of their own.

At first, Matt stayed very quiet. He had a welcome treat to look at while he picked his words wisely. Although he wished Lucas would stop staring him while he waited. "I'm not mad." He said this truthfully.

"Hmph." Lucas seemed to finally give his up staring as he picked up the remote and clicked something. "Maybe you should be."

But he wasn't, not even disappointed. Matt had faith in fate, destiny, whatever it was you wanted to call it. The universe would provide, he just needed to keep his eyes peeled for the signs and trust his judgement.

Before the main credits started to roll, Matt smiled.

Two hours later, Matt found himself tipsy with red wine, another delicacy chosen by Lucas. Lucas knew his shit. The bottle was nearly finished and it had some name on it that Matt couldn't dream of pronouncing out loud. The television was on some sports live show neither of them cared too much about. Lucas was more into things like wrestling and baseball.

Matt wasn't sure which of them brought it up or how they got to the topic of their Senior Prom. They were both fully relaxed on Lucas's sectional couch to fit 7 people comfortably. Their heads leaned back against the headrest, legs open, arms tossed lazily to each side but not close enough to touch. They didn't look at each other much, and there was no need to raise voices. It was a relaxing setting that Matt missed sharing with someone.

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