Chapter Sixteen

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Matt was up and moving the same time Lucas was. Matt quickly found out that Lucas hadn't thrown up but he was working on the second bottle of water. He also didn't appear all that hungover. Lucas was really good at holding his liquor which was something impressed all the frat boys back in their college days. Not that Lucas cared who he impressed.

If there was anything that both Lucas and Matt had most in common, it was that they didn't care much about what people thought about them.

Matt took his time getting up to give Lucas some privacy. He showered, shaved and got dressed into something comfortable in the span of 20 minutes.

Lucas meanwhile took over the kitchen and made them both some crepes.

"I believe congratulations are in order." Matt said this from the doorway that separated the kitchen from the rest of the apartment. He already had a mug of coffee in his hands which Lucas had set out for him. Lucas was taking sips of his own coffee while working hard on breakfast.

But Matt had that gut wrenching feeling, like the other shoe hadn't quite dropped yet. Lucas never did get to tell the bad news. Matt fought with himself over how to bring it up, or if he should just wait. Matt decided to wait. He hoped it couldn't be that bad when compared to the good news.

Matt took a seat at the kitchen table. He already noticed the garbage can he left by the couch was put back into the bathroom.

"Everything is almost set," Lucas said in a rather casual manner, "and I'm not just talking about breakfast." Matt kept his mouth from asking to continue since he knew Lucas was being a tad dramatic. "Be my partner with me."

Matt felt like his mind had trouble keeping up. "What?"

Lucas turned and scooped something from the frying pan to a clean plate. Matt could only focus on Lucas's face as if waiting for this to be a prank.

Lucas finished scooping whatever he fried up onto the plate before giving Matt a sideways grin. "You're my best friend, and I trust you."

"You're still asking for a lot. All I did was give you a push in the right direction. I don't want anything from you."

"And you call me stubborn." Lucas gave Matt a sideways look before continuing. "You're the only person in this world I trust 100%. What other person better could I have asked for?" He threw Matt a look as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

"But, you don't need me." Matt revved the palms of his hands on the surface of the kitchen table for something to do.

"It's not like you have to come in everyday. I'm not asking you to quit your job to come work with me. I just want you co own with me. You don't need to come at all. I think with some of your boyfriends guidance since he's good with numbers-"

"Lucas. I can't accept. I'm sorry but-"

"But goddamn nothing. You're my best friend so fucking act it."

"Think about it." Lucas cut across Matt off before he could protest again.

Matt closed his eyes and sucked in some air before letting it out his nose. Slowly. He made himself count backwards before opening his eyes again. Lucas was sitting opposite of him grinning as if he were on top of the world.

"So about that bad news." Matt said barely looking at Lucas and wanting to put his foot in his mouth.

Lucas unflinchingly replied. "My dad shot himself in the head 2 days ago."

Matt wasn't sure if he should race over to hug Lucas in sympathy or congratulate him again. Once again Matt was not fully blind to the kind of person Lucas's father was.

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