Chapter Seventeen

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Matt lay on his back in his hotel room. It wasn't 5 star, more like a 3.5 star which was nice enough. There would be free breakfast, plus there was small gym, an indoor pool with a Jacuzzi. The price per night wasn't too bad either. Matt wouldn't have to worry too much about his bank account, though he still made a side note to stay cautious. Especially since he ordered some room service for the first time in his life. It strangely left him feeling excited and hungry as hell.

Matt played into the role while wearing a white robe. He showered again, had already eaten some fast food from a restaurant he was able to walk to on foot. He'd called Mel to let him know he landed safely but sadly had to leave out some of the most crucial bits. Like why he wasn't with Lucas right now and at a hotel. Matt tried to tell Mel that he was trying to give Lucas some space. That was only half the truth. Matt was really starting to hate not telling Mel every detail possible.

They had a longer time to talk this time, and this was where Matt started to notice their many differences. They talked of movies and television shows. Most of what Mel enjoyed, Matt found boring, and what Matt liked, Mel said it wasn't his jam. It was mildly disappointing to Matt, but he figured with more time together, they could learn to further appreciate their differences.

Matt especially found it funny when he discovered Mel was a big fan of reality shows, which Matt mostly didn't, save but one. It just so happened the reality show Matt did like, Mel didn't like.

It was close to ten at night when Matt got his late dinner. He had spent over 3 hours on the phone with Mel. There were hardly any moments of silence. It seemed like they kept finding things to discuss. Usually deep topics of philosophy. Matt felt a bit exhausted after they ended their conversation. Mel turned out to be an excellent conversationalist. Which is what ultimately led Matt to getting hungry again. Half an hour later, after finishing his food, reality came crashing back. His best friend confessed he was in love with him through a fucking text message!

How was he going to tell Mel this? Was he going to tell Mel this?

Maybe Lucas was drunk and talking nonsense? Maybe someone thought it would be funny to take his phone and text that? But who would be that stupid? And if it just so happened to be true, why wait all this time to say something now?

There was a knock on the door. Matt made sure to text his room number but never got a reply. Matt had to pause the television, he was trying to watch and enjoy one of Mel's reality shows. It was turning out to be an uphill battle because Matt's attention kept wavering. Plus he could counted at least 21 times when something sounded scripted.

When the knock came again, Matt hit the power button on the remote and padded his way over.

Lucas was dressed in a suit. The typical black tie, jacket, pants and shoes. He also looked miserable. His hair was in disarray which is something Matt had rarely seen.

Matt opened the door and stepped back to let him in before shutting it softly.

"Lucas what the fuck is going on?" The words hadn't come out as harshly as Matt intended. Yes he was annoyed, but mostly he very confused by the sudden turn of events. He also couldn't let himself be angry enough with Lucas looking like a kicked puppy.

After Lucas walked in, it already looked like he had a few drinks. Not as much as last night, but enough to make his walk a little wobbly.

There were some leftovers on a tray, and an open bottle of champagne Matt thought would be fun to order, since he'd never done it before. When Lucas made a reach for the bottle, Matt didn't hold back. "Don't you dare. Sit. Talk." Matt made sure to point to the bed, and showed just how serious he was.

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