Chapter One

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Matt was by himself. Ok, maybe not quite all alone. There were a score of people around him, holding drinks, socializing, a few smoking cigarettes among other things. It was not his cup of tea. Speaking of tea, Matt wished he could be at hope sipping some vanilla chai with a book in his lap right about now.

Lucas, his best friend was currently standing near the sliding back door, an arm around a black short haired girl as if they were practically glued together. That would be Alyssa, his on again off again friend with benefits. Not that Matt thought it was wrong. Lucas was a grown man, he could do whatever the fuck he wanted for all Matt cared. Lucas wasn't looking at Alyssa though, in fact both Lucas and Alyssa had their attention on another girl.

Her back was to Matt so he couldn't see her face properly. She wore a short skin tight, black dress. Matt was sure he'd caught her shimmying it down a couple of times to keep it from riding too high. She had long silky black hair, which was similar to his own. Like his own, there was a blue hue to it when the light hit it right. Her hair almost reached the middle of her back. The only difference between her hair and his, Matt kept his hair short. She wore a pair of matching black heels that had a hint of silver to them. Matt was no fashion guru so there was no chance in hell he could place what brand they were. He mentally gulped at a memory, of a time when he and Lucas at age 15 tried on a pair of heels, and walked around the living room together. It was the first time they'd ever been drunk. Matt ended up with a sprained ankle that night. As if that wasn't enough, he was grounded for nearly a month. For underage drinking or the fact that he wore heels. It turned out to be the former.

Lucas, softly tanned skin, hair dark, shaved almost to see scalp while the rest of his hair on the top of his head slicked back. Matt was sure by the way Lucas kept Alyssa close, the other girl with almost translucent skin was barely a couple of inches away. It didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out Lucas was in a for threesome tonight.

Make that a foursome.

Another girl with blue eyes champagne colored dress that sparkled now approached the small group.

Right on cue, Matt found Lucas looking directly at him. Lucas had brown eyes which seemed to change from light to dark depending on his mood. Right now, they were a shimmering light brown. He was having a good time and was about to have an even better time. They changed to a neutral color once they met Matts.

Are you ok over there? They seemed to ask.

Matt simply nodded once, and maybe a bit too stiffly because that was when Lucas started to steer Alyssa over to him. His crew followed.

Matt tried to look elsewhere but there wasn't a hell of a lot to look at. It was a living room of some kind. A huge one. A mutual friend of Lucas's other friend owned the house. They appeared to live somewhere in the upper crust of middle class, or the lowest in the rich class. Matt was no expert. The room easily held over 40 people in it, not that Matt bothered to count. He'd only been here for nearly an hour and was getting to the point of being bored enough to count. Parties, especially ones that considered over 10 strangers bored him quick.

A pair of pale blue eyes pierced through the crowd from the middle of the room at Matt. The eyes belonged to a bold masculine face with dark blonde hair. Matt momentarily became vividly aware of the nameless man who wore an open dark blue blazer, but Matt was no longer alone. Lucas, Alyssa and the two strangers were all looking at him expectedly.

Wow. The girl who had her back to Matt was simply breathtaking to look at, even though he didn't swing that way, but he still had to admit she was beautiful. Lucas knowingly had a side smile on his face, he knew he had scored big too.

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