Chapter Fifteen

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Matt spent another minute or two as he watched shining lights dart from various directions. They didn't all happen at once, sometimes they came in pairs or in three's. They happened so fast that if he blinked, he could miss them. Then there were the stars, he couldn't see past a hundred of them because of the light pollution. Dorford was far from being a city, but it still limited the expanse of the night sky.

Matt stepped aside to give Mel some space. When he looked behind he noticed Lucas and Mia were on the ground by the other telescope. Mia was fussing a little, and made adjustments while Lucas dutifully held her from behind. Matt then noticed Mia was less fussy about the settings. They already had a blanket down with the telescope set on top. The other blanket was folded nicely nearby. Which made him realize.

"I'll hold these." He took both blankets for Mel's comfort.

Mel didn't quite have the same reaction Lucas and Matt had. He stayed very quiet and Matt just watched him from the sidelines, which was probably what Mel did while Matt was in his position.

Matt wanted to say something, anything to make an already perfect moment into something even more perfect. Maybe make this moment feel unforgettable in a good way. He ruled out giving Mel another blow job. They were in the front yard, of a nice neighborhood for goodness sake. He also figured that there was nothing that could top this.

Unless he counted Mel being on top of him-

He had to stop those thoughts.

Mel pulled back and offered Matt to take another look which Matt shook his head to say, "Not even a couple thousand stars could interest me enough when I look at you."

Well shit. Matt hadn't planned that. The words just kind of fell out. Not even Mel looked like he knew what to say or do about that. Which was a first.

"Shall we?" Matt held out a blanket wondering where they should go or sit. It looked like the other telescope was fully occupied and the telescope before them didn't appear to be built like the other. He looked towards Mia and Lucas, they looked too occupied.

"Come with me." Mel said and he had that look again like the cat about to catch the mouse. Not that Matt minded being the mouse. "Where we're going we won't need a telescope."

Matt followed Mel towards the left side of the house. The living room window showed the living room light was still on. Memories of the laughter, as couples, as friends. Matt wished he could bottle up this night and keep it forever.

Matt continued to follow Mel as they went between the houses. There was a tall wooden gate that seemed to wrap around Mel's house. It had a giant keyhole as if made from a secret garden. Even in the dark he could see the shadow.

Mel pushed open the door, stepped right through before coming back out seconds later. He made a grand gesture to indicate that Matt should step though.

When Matt thought the front was impressive, he was mistaken once he saw the back. The work that went into everything that grew, it was as if he had stepped into a secret garden. Matt wished he could have least named a few of the things that grew around the little area. Maybe because it was darker in the backyard. There was a full modernized porch with a tiny gazebo attached.

Mel continued to glamour Matt by taking his hand and leading up the short flight of steps until they were on the porch. Matt understood the destination was towards the screened in gazebo, which came with with screen door with a latch. Mel glided his other hand down the center of Matt's back as they entered.

Matt felt overwhelmed with emotions. First at how quickly his life had changed. The stunning view, and sure enough even through the screened in windows that wrapped around, the stars continued to jet tears. It was all so... romantic and cozy. Mel took one of the blankets to wrap around the back of Matt's shoulders.

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