Chapter Twenty-One

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I'm on my way

Matt didn't bother ending the sentence with a period. He probably shouldn't have sent the text message, but he did. Matt suddenly knew where he would find Lucas. They'd had spent at least one weekend in the summer, every summer down in the ozarks. Matt just hoped it would be the same cabin they took every year. They always had to make reservations months in advance and since they were Dorford citizens, they got a 20% discount.

Matt drove at the speed limit and obeyed every sign along the way. Even though he wanted to break every rule to get to his best friend faster.

Matt's phone chimed. Lucas had responded with, No. Leave me alone.

"Fat chance." Matt said out loud as he plowed through the last intersection. He wasn't about to argue with Lucas in a text message. He was sticking with his plan.

He needed answers. Most of all, Lucas needed to let it all out. Matt was willing to take whatever backlash or intense glares. He knew he owed Lucas that. For all the years Lucas had protected him, even if from himself.

Matt found the parking lot easily but it would be at least a 5 minute hike to get out to cabin number 4. The wind never let down but the cold had picked up. Matt was glad he still wore his cloak. He had to lift the hood to help shield the chill. He tried to hold his cloak together to help keep the chill out, but it was difficult to achieve as he moved at a light jog.

Matt started to run, but not sprint as he reached the dirt pathway meant for walking, jogging and running. The signs showed no bikes or pets were allowed. It was too narrow for bikes. Matt mostly ignored the signs, even though it meant he was going the right way.

He felt his cloak lift with the wind as he ran before slowing. The cabin was nearly in sight through the trees. Without a thought, Matt decided to take the short cut and move through the trees. His cloak never snagged. If it did, he didn't notice or care. He moved quickly where he could, trotted when he had to, to avoid hurting himself in the process.

In 2 minutes flat, he stood before the small cabin. It was built traditionally on the outside but the inside was closer towards modern. It had two bedrooms, a snug living room and kitchen. The bathroom didn't have a tub. This was only cabin without a tub. It still had all the other necessities.

Matt hovered not far from where Lucas's car sat. A part of him started to second guess. The wind picked up, and brought the chill. That was enough to rouse Matt to go to the front door.

Matt let himself in, but he also almost ran face first into Lucas. Lucas was shirtless and carrying a white mug in one hand. It smelled like hot chocolate. The TV was on, but Matt had no time to focus on whatever Lucas may or may not have been watching. It was likely a game show of some kind.

"I don't want you here."


Matt was not surprised that Lucas didn't look excited to see him. He refused to go running for the hills screaming. Lucas eyes were practically black with an intense glare. He refused to move and allow Matt entry.

Matt tried to glare back, but it was already a lost battle. "I'm coming in like it or not."

When Lucas moved, Matt worried that for the first time, Lucas might hit him. He flinched, but Lucas moved out of the way.

Matt let himself in and shut the door behind him before Lucas could change his mind.

"My mom left." Lucas said, he kept his back to Matt. Matt immediately wanted to rush over and hug him. Lucas was obviously hurting, for lots of reasons. Matt knew better. He kept himself still while Lucas faced off towards the tiny kitchen. There was a small table for two, each chair facing the other on opposite ends. They had shared many breakfasts at that table. Matt didn't have the heart to gut the fish they caught, but Lucas as always did the dirty work without complaint. They had fish for breakfast on their last stay.

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