Chapter Twenty-Three

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Authors Note: This chapter contains graphic sexual content. Feel free to skip this chapter if that isn't your thing.

"Get naked." This was more of an order, not a request. "I want to see all of you."

Matt slipped his hand away from Mel so he could start with his shirt. The whole time Lucas watched, his eyes going black. Matt tried to do it slowly but there was something in Lucas's face, he was too hungry to wait. He had to stand to work off his pants. His boxers easily slid off with them. He could feel both men watching him, and a blush crept over what was usually hidden across his body.

Lucas sucked in his bottom lip, eyes coal black as he took in Matt's stark naked body. Matt wasn't sure if he should shit back down or continue standing up.

"Sit your sexy ass down." Again, it was an order not a request. Strangely enough, this turned Matt on. He did what he was told, but timidly kept his arms wrapped around his torso.

"Hold him."

Matt had no idea what Lucas meant until he felt Mel's arms suddenly wrap around him him. Mel held Matt's body up enough with his own body. Matt's back was against Mel's chest. There were a dozen moments flashing across his memory, of the last few times they did something like this.

But this wasn't going to be like any other time. Matt wasn't sure if this was going to turn into a threesome. It would be his first threesome if it did, but Matt wasn't sure what was going to happen. He felt his cock steadily start to rise.

Mel then got a hold of Matt's legs, held on and lifted so Matt's ass was almost in the air. Meanwhile Lucas started tossing off his clothes like he'd already done this a thousand times. Which Matt was sure he probably did. Matt's heart started to pound until it reached his ears. He couldn't believe this was happening. He could almost feel himself start to pre come.

Lucas was already fully erect and he gave himself a few good pumps before got back on the couch. He dove in without warning, with his face. Matt finally got his first experience of what a rim job felt like, and it was amazing. Lucas had a lot talent with his tongue. Now he understood what all the fuss was about. Though considering the way they kissed almost an hour ago, it shouldn't have surprised him.

Lucas said things, and Matt thought about joking how Lucas shouldn't talk with his mouth full. Instead, all he could do was toss his head from side to side, eyes half closed, little sounds of pleasure Matt didn't know he was capable of making. To make matters better and worse, Mel was able to free one hand, to start playing with one of Matt's nipples.

Mel had big hands. He cupped Matt's chest, pulled, rolled and gave his right nipple a painful pinch. Matt was lost in both the pain and pleasure each man gave him. He felt his eyes roll towards the back of his head. He wondered if his chest would sprout bruises, not that he minded.

It was like they both understood Matt's body. Matt felt powerless, in a good way. Mel took turns with Matt's nipples. Matt's legs tightened around Lucas's head a few times whenever Lucas did the right thing. He started doing the right thing more frequently.

There were moments when Matt would meet Lucas's eyes. Lucas hungrily carried on, and Matt felt too dizzy to form any words.

This carried on, for who knew how long, but Lucas showed no intention of stopping, until he stopped. Lucas got on his knees and moved closer.

"Suck my fingers."

Matt did as he commanded. He hoped he did all the right things as he changed his techniques. Compared to Lucas, Matt felt like a virgin. Lucas's fingers didn't hold any flavor that stood out, but it was Lucas. Matt sucked on those fingers, the pointer and middle, like his life depended on it. In the back of his mind, he imagined sucking on Mel's cock. He'd had some practice.

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