Chapter Twenty-Four

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Three men sat naked around a cake Lucas conjured up. Matt didn't bother asking and neither did Mel. They were on the floor near the couch and there was a single birthday candle over it. Lucas made cream cheese frosting which would have sounded disgusting if made by another person but Matt knew Lucas too well by now.

Mel sat wide eyed with a pool of come up and down his chest once Matt was finally able to turn his head. He looked at both Lucas and Matt like they were something inhuman. In a good way! So Matt hoped.

Matt found himself on the brink of apologizing but Mel held up his hand in objection. Matt felt like invisible hands clasps his jaw shut after that.

Right now they were laying on their sides in a perfect circle, each able to see each others faces. Only the light from a single candle illuminated the room, and Matt never imagined he'd feel this comfortable.

"Happy birthday." Matt said softly, while Lucas just looked curiously at Mel.

Even in the dim lighting, Mel's smile reached his eyes.

"Before I make a wish," Mel started, "I just want to say, meeting you both has changed my life. And I look forward to our future together."

Matt looked from Mel to Lucas. He caught Lucas doing the same. It was obvious they were all on the same page here. Small smiles went about and Mel bent forward. He closed his eyes and in the flicker of the little light they had, there was peace.

Mel blew gently but in the last moment he opened his eyes with a wicked gleam. The room was in complete darkness but the sound of Mel rushing to get up was enough to make Lucas stand next. Matt did too while not sure what was going on. Maybe a threesome?

Mel instead made a dash for the door and in the dark. Matt could see a similar wicked look on Lucas's face before he too dashed out after Mel.

Matt was last to follow. Together the three men chased each other, naked and danced in the wind, and with the leaves the wind carried with it. In a weird way, it was as if something had ended, while something new started, and something else continued.

In the midst of it all, Matt finally realized as he took a moment to breathe. His wishes had already come true.

20 Years Ago

Matt and Lucas were the only boys in their little group. Emily was brown haired and a tomboy. She liked to play in the mud and ended up covered from head to toe. She also liked to make volcanoes in the sand during recess, and pretend to narrate what was happening as if it were on a TV show. Lizzy short for Lizbeth was the younger sister, and blonde. She carried a secret crush on both Matt and Lucas. Depending on the day, she felt more inclined to the other.

Lastly there was Tazanna, or Taz, also brown haired. She was eldest sister and probably a little mean. It was her idea to make this game of tag into a boys versus girls. Although what they were currently about to play was like a mixture of tag and hide and seek. They liked to make up their own games.

Tag was the usual consistency. It usually involved some tricky way of figuring out who would be it by doing some fancy rhyme on each foot, which canceled one person out a time. Sometimes it involved a simple game of rock, paper, scissors. Or paper, scissors, rock as Taz liked to argue.

Or if they wanted to mix things up, someone could volunteer. Taz was usually the one to volunteer, she really had it out for Matt. When Matt would volunteer, Lucas would also want to be It too. This quickly took a routine of its own. Matt, and everyone else ended up loving the idea so much, it was what they did whenever it was Matt or Lucas's shoe left. Matt and Lucas worked well together. They'd cattle the girls to an area where they couldn't escape.

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