Chapter Nine

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Mel was on the bus the next week. Matt's car crapped out. Again. Unlike last time, this was starting to become worrisome. Matt kept a good amount of money in his bank account, but the current bill was due was enough to push too close for comfort into his caution zone.

It looked like Mel was off that day since he wore a casual light blue button up shirt with a white collar. Matt couldn't bring himself to completely check out Mel's entire clothing attire. Mel could wear anything and still look mouth watering to Matt. From what Matt could tell, Mel hadn't noticed him.

Matt waited two more stops before he crept up behind Mel. He only hoped everyone was too careless to notice on what was about to transpire.

Matt first rested his face beside Mel's before bringing his lips towards his ear. He gently whispered, "Love blurs the lines where dreams become reality, and reality becomes a dream."

Matt hopped off the bus since it was his stop. He knew he surprised Mel judging by the sudden jolt his body gave. Matt couldn't suppress the way his flesh shivered from the near contact. Mel's signature smell of wood spice that seemed to encircle him like an aura suddenly grew thicker. Matt really needed to find out what cologne he used, he also needed to keep that a heavily guarded secret because that suddenly sounded a little creepy.

Matt could still feel it in his nose. He still felt the little jolt Mel's body gave at Matt's proximity. The way his beautiful blue eyes first held surprise, then lust. He made sure to keep his back towards the bus as he merrily made his way to work.

What Matt hadn't expected was that before he could turn, hands grabbed a hold of his arms and he was whipped around to face his 'abductor'. Matt's nostrils flared at the scent of Mel, and he was overwhelmed by the sudden kiss Mel planted. The moment their mouths made contact, Matt could vaguely hear the bus doors close, sputter and pull away. Matt was too frozen, at least he thought he was, but his lips moved on their own accord.

He forgot to breathe until Mel attacked him with his mouth again, this time opening enough to make Matt gulp some air. The air might've come from Mel, but oh what a way to go!

Matt's entire body felt like it was buzzing. He also quickly figured out that Mel liked to have the last word. If this was the usual result, Matt would make a note to mess with Mel more.

A third kiss.

A fourth kiss.

Matt wasn't sure since their lips never really parted from the other. He did feel Mel's hand, down at his upper back start to slide slowly down. Matt reached back and pulled it down instantly. Mel wasted no time in giving Matt's right butt cheek a painful squeeze with his hand. Mel grunted in what Matt assumed sounded like he approved, and Matt moaned into the kiss.

Then Matt felt empty air. Mel had instantly pulled back, and stood back.

This made Matt have to lean forward that he had to hunch over with his hands on his knees for a few seconds. The weather might have racked up to the 80's, but it felt 10 degrees hotter.

Mel took one step back, his eyes blazed with heat. Matt found himself amazed how much those blue eyes could hold that much heat. They might as well be red! Matt also found himself panting as he rightened himself up.

Mel took yet another step back, but Matt didn't take any offense. If anything, he took it as a compliment.

When Mel looked like he was ready to dive forward, Matt felt drunk off this crazy light headed feeling he had, but Matt had to turn himself around. He performed the action on time because he heard Mel take a step closer. His foot hit the ground a little too hard, so Matt knew it was a struggle for them both. He made himself take a deep breath before he could stand fully erect.

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