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Roman had woken up from Alaric shaking him

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Roman had woken up from Alaric shaking him.
He and the teacher had been shirtless in bed when Damon showed up to get Roman.
The raven haired brother grinned and teased Roman the whole drive.
Roman and Damon were told Caroline got in a car crash and they were quick to get to the hospital
"Bonnie. How's Caroline?"
Roman listened closely hearing Elena's voice somewhere in the building.
"She's weak. They don't know if she's going to make it."
Roman's heart dropped at that sentence his eyes widening as he looked to Damon.
Roman and Damon found the two girls walking up to them nervously.
"Is there something that you can do? Like a spell or something?"
Elena asked Bonnie.
"She doesn't know how, do you?"
Damon asked annoyed.
"No, I don't."
Bonnie glared at Damon.
"No, you don't because it took Emily years to learn a spell like that."
"Well, I can take down a vampire, that spell was easy to learn."
Roman glared at Bonnie annoyance flooding over him.
"Can you cast that spell before someone rips out your neck or do you still need someone to protect you?"
Roman took a step closer to the witch as Damon slapped him in the chest shoving him back.
"Cool it."
Damon gritted out at his brother.
"I can give Caroline some blood."
Damon told the girls.
"No, no way."
Elena shook her head.
"It won't turn her Elena. She will be safe in the hospital and back to normal in a day, she will be better Elena."
Roman told the brunette rubbing her shoulder comfortingly.
"It's too risky, I can't agree to that."
Elena told Roman softly.
"Do it. This is Caroline. We can't let her die. Do it."
Bonnie demanded Damon.
"If I do this, you and me, call a truce?"
Damon asked.
"No. But you'll do it anyway. For Elena."
Bonnie smirked trying to leave.
However Roman grabbed her arm slinging her back in her spot.
"Or how about I do it and you call a truce with Damon anyway? Stop being a spoiled little witch bitch Bonnie Bennett. Just because you're alive doesn't mean you're better then people like us."
Bonnie frowned not meeting Roman's eyes as she shoved past him.
Roman ignored the look he got from Damon and Elena, storming off elsewhere.

Roman's head was aching as he paced in the dark hallways of the hospital.
He was texting and calling multiple people, one of the downsides of keeping up with all of the most hated-or loved- vampires is that he was always involved in business.
Roman was always kept in the loop because people trusted him, and he knew everyone considered 'dangerous' in the vampire world.
"Hello my love."
Roman sighed into the phone.
"You sound exhausted darling."
Roman laughed lightly at Elijah's tone.
"Just busy trying to find this stupid rock, and the stupid doppelgänger, avoid Niklaus's questioning about others loyalty."
Roman sighed rolling his shoulders.
"I miss you Elijah."
"I miss you too Roman."
Roman smiled to himself shaking his head.
"I know you aren't all for it, but no matter how much I care about you-"
"You are going to help Niklaus regardless of what anyone says. I understand."
Roman smiled softly running a hand through his hair.
"I love you Elijah. I have to go."
"Goodbye darling."
Roman sighed slipping down the wall and sitting on the ground.
"You look stressed."
Bonnie said softly taking a seat beside Roman.
"You live for a hundred years and you think problems would be solved instead of created."
Roman laughed weakly as he stared down at his phone expecting it to ring.
"I'm sorry I've been ignoring you. You don't deserve it, all you've done is protect me."
Bonnie finally looked Roman in the eyes.
"It's alright Bonnie."
Roman gave her a smile grabbing her hand.
"Now tell me what's wrong."
Roman laughed as Bonnie squeezed his hand.
"Just family business."
Roman gave a tight smile nodding his head as Bonnie gave him an unconvinced look.
His phone rang and he answered it quickly.
"Almost like you were expecting my call."
"You're so funny, would you like to tell me what you're planning?"
Roman shook his head mouthing 'bye' to Bonnie as he stood walking out of the hospital.
"Nothing I just felt like putting blondie in the hospital."
Roman shook his head speed walking down the streets of Mystic Falls.
"Katherine I'm not sure if you're aware but I have to deal with both Niklaus's impulsiveness and Elijah's overwhelming desire to be the most moral vampire there ever was. So please, please you little dopplewench do not cause trouble."
"You know for someone so young you're so stressed."
"Do you hear a word I say?"
Roman rolled his eyes shaking his head.
"Come on Roman you're always helping that family, you're always helping your own, your with that teacher-"
Roman stopped in his tracks not wanting Katherine to know of Alaric.
"But one thing I can't understand is what side you're on. Mine, Klaus's, Elijah's, your brothers?"
"I'm on my own side."
Roman hung up his phone stress overcoming him as he ran a hand through his hair.
His phone rang once again and he clenched his jaw answering it.
"I swear to god!"
He shouted with a sigh slumping against the brick wall behind him.
"Rough day?"
Roman's eyes widened hearing Alaric's voice.
"Ric I'm so sorry I just-"
"Don't worry about it, it's not a big deal. I was just wondering if you're gonna come back to the apartment or the boarding house?"
Roman chuckled smiling to himself.
"I think I'll come back to the apartment if you'd let me."
Roman grinned hearing Alaric's laugh through the phone.
"See you soon."
"See you soon sweetheart."
Roman chuckled the previously crushing stress seeming to disappear.

Roman and Alaric ended up ordering pizza and watching stupid movies on his laptop.
But somehow that led to Roman straddling Ric, the two kissing until they needed air then going right back to it.
Roman ran his hands up Ric's shoulders sliding off his dark jacket and throwing it to the floor.
Ric tugged on Roman's hair making the boy groan deeply as he leaned into his touch.
"We should stop."
Alaric breathed out grinning.
"Or we could keep going."
Roman smirked his eyes a shade darker than normal, the shadow of veins underneath his eyes.
"Hey are you okay?"
Ric asked concerned, running a hand under Roman's eyes.
Roman quickly stood walking a few feet away from Alaric as he realized he hadn't fed that day.
"Sorry, I'm sorry. I forgot to-"
Roman shook his head stopping himself.
"It's okay Ro."
Ric stood placing a hand on Roman's shoulder.
"You wanna get to sleep?"
"You go ahead I'll be there soon."
Ric nodded kissing Roman quickly and walking away.
Roman sighed taking a deep breath as he felt his hunger subside.
He really needed to keep feeding or eventually he'd hurt someone.
But for now he let his worries go and climbed into bed with Alaric.

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