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Roman had drove all night with ease, sleep not calling out to him once

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Roman had drove all night with ease, sleep not calling out to him once.
It was around noon when Roman pulled up to the five star hotel.
Klaus grinned at his friend.
"Take his bags up to the room then valet the car."
Niklaus compelled the man.
"Didn't expect you to have a hotel Nik."
Roman smiled as the hybrid brought him into a hug.
"Well the witches needed somewhere to stay."
Klaus said almost irritably as he led Roman inside.
"What made you come early?"
Roman knew Niklaus would be coming to
Mystic Falls in less than a week, but things had changed for him and he decided to speed up the process.
"Well my brothers found out about how I was sneaking off with you-"
"From who?"
Nik rose an eyebrow as he and Roman walked out of the elevator and down the hall.
"Take a guess, which of your siblings did you happen to leave intact?"
Roman gave Nik a grin as the original rolled his eyes.
"And where is dear Elijah now?"
Klaus opened the door to the room, Roman falling back onto the bed as Nik poured them drinks.
Roman said bitterly.
"And your brothers?"
"In their house."
"And your boyfriend?"
"No longer my boyfriend."
Roman gratefully took the alcohol from his friend taking a long sip.
"That's rather unfortunate."
Klaus sighed sitting beside Roman as the vampire sat up.
"I guess so."
Roman sighed looking down at his glass.
Klaus reached out grabbing Roman's jaw and making the Salvatore look him in the eyes.
Roman liked it when Niklaus looked at him,
he got to see the humanity he tried so hard to keep hidden.
Roman also liked when Niklaus touched him.
His skin was warm and somehow calloused and soft at the same time.
Neither of the supernatural creatures spoke as they stared at each other.
"Somehow we always end up back here don't we mate?"
Klaus whispered softly.
Roman agreed quietly lips barley moving, scared that if he moved too quick Klaus would pull away.
Roman didn't know why he was constantly pulled toward Niklaus, but he was.
Klaus leaned in close his cold breath hitting Roman's face.
"If I kill your friends will you think any different of me?"
Roman could see the vulnerability in Niklaus's eyes and he grabbed the hybrids face in his hands bringing him impossibly closer.
"You could kill me and I'd never think anything different of you."
Roman always seemed to tell Klaus exactly what he wanted to hear.
The hybrid couldn't help it when he leaned in close bringing their lips together.
Klaus pulled Roman on top of him neither breaking the kiss as they did so.
"I missed you."
Klaus whispered quietly.
"I always miss you."
Roman kissed the blonde harder running his hands through his short hair.
Roman pulled off the hybrids shirt, desperate for his touch.
Niklaus could basically feel the longing rolling off Roman, ripping the Salvatore's shirt to shreds.
Roman was panting as the two pressed their bodies impossibly closer, Roman's legs on either side of Nik.
Klaus pulled Roman's shoulders closer as the vampire wrapped his hands around the blondes neck.
The duos kisses were needy and loving along with lustful at the same time.
Their loud breaths filled the room, their skin turning red as they kept pressing their hands on the other, somehow never close enough.
Roman moved to Klaus's neck biting on it as the hybrid undid the boys jeans.
Roman whispered out hoarsely drawing a loud moan from Niklaus.
Roman shoved Nik down lying completely on top of him.
Klaus flipped them over slamming his lips down onto the Salvatore's.
"Say it again."
Klaus panted his head pressed to Roman's as his breath hit his face.

Roman woke up to Niklaus softly pressing kisses to his face.
Roman whined like a child trying to shove the hybrid away, only for Niklaus to roll onto him holding his hands tightly.
Klaus kissed all over Roman's face.
"Say it."
Niklaus grinned sweetly making a smile appear on Roman's face as well.
"I missed you."
Klaus kissed Roman's neck softly.
"I always miss you."
Klaus laughed brightly lazily kissing Roman's lips.
Roman absolutely and entirely adored Klaus's smile.
"We're leaving soon love."
Klaus whispered softly against Roman's lips, the Salvatore humming in understanding.
"I'm glad you came."
Klaus kissed Roman's lips softly.

Klaus made Roman feel loved.
Klaus always made Roman feel loved.

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