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Roman couldn't have been more livid

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Roman couldn't have been more livid.
He really, truly, utterly, could not be angrier.
He stormed into Alaric's apartment, breaking the locks as he went.
"Did anybody want to tell me my boyfriend was losing it?"
Roman shouted at Damon, Stefan, Elena, and Alaric.
"Anybody think it'd be important for the boyfriend to know?"
Roman threw his arms up sarcastically, although everyone could tell how angry he truly was.
Apparently Alaric's Gilbert ring had been possessing him, causing him to kill others, and attempt to kill Meredith Fell the towns' best doctor.
"I want to turn myself in-"
"Oh hell no. Over my dead body."
Roman glared harshly.
"I have a homicidal alter ego. Unlike some people in this room, I would like to take responsibility for the people I've killed."
Alaric popped his jacket collar.
"First of all; low blow. Second of all; you want to go to the sheriff, tell her your magical ring made you kill all those people, and proceed to get arrested because of said ring. Yeah I don't think so."
Roman pursed his lips and clenched his jaw, tilting his head to the side.
Stefan went to open his mouth, but shut it in an instant.
He wanted to remind Alaric of their plan to kill the originals, but with Roman in the room he knew his twin would go ballistic.
"Here's your ring, Ric. Put it on."
Damon demanded holding it out to him.
"That ring is the reason I've killed people."
Alaric frowned making Roman do the same.
The youngest Salvatore walked over taking the ring in his hand.
"It's also the reason you're alive. Alaric wear it."

"I'm sorry can you say that again but slower?"
"Your twin killed Finn, and nearly almost killed all of us while we were still linked."
Rebekah told the Salvatore, Niklaus by his side.
Roman screamed with his mouth closed clenching his fists.
"I'm going to murder you, you Original dick!"
Roman shouted as the blondes rolled their eyes in sync.
"They killed your brother! Five minutes earlier and they would've killed you all, hell all of us!"
"But they didn't."
Klaus sighed not fully understanding why Roman was so worked up.
"They kill any of you and I will absolutely loose my head."
Roman gritted out.
"Don't worry about that Ro, we got the rest of the stakes."
Rebekah smiled tossing down the bag.
Roman let out a deep breath his whole body relaxing.
"Thank God."
The three stood in the room, unaware Alaric's alter ego had another stash of stakes hidden somewhere unbeknownst to any of them.

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