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"Good morning

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"Good morning."
Roman woke with a smile on his lips as he opened his eyes.
After the tomb incident Roman had decided to go to the apartment and make up for lost time.
Roman grinned up lazily at Alaric.
"Again sorry I was off the grid yesterday."
Roman slid on his jeans as Ric chuckled.
"Don't worry about it."
Ric smiled doing the same.
"I'm seriously sorry though. I know I haven't been around lately and I-"
"Roman, seriously, don't worry I get it."
Roman grinned softly as Alaric smiled at him.
"You're the best."
"I know."

Roman and Alaric had gone to the grill together, Alaric filling him in on the werewolf problem that had fallen over Mystic Falls.
"Speaking of werewolf."
Alaric sighed as Roman turned his head to see a girl walk in and sit down with the sheriff.
"God I hate wolves."
Roman groaned finishing the rest of his drink.
Stefan hit Roman on the shoulder taking a seat beside his twin.
"Is that the-"
"Yeah, I just left Damon a message."
Alaric nodded with a sigh.
"So you're doing his dirty work for him now."
Stefan rolled his eyes as Roman furrowed his eyebrows.
"She could have a cure for Rose-"
"What happened to Rose?"
Roman asked.
"Werewolf bite."
Stefan told him as Roman bit his lip.
"She doesn't have a cure."
Roman shook his head as Alaric rolled his eyes along with Stefan.
"I couldn't find anything in Isobel's research except that a bite is fatal."
Roman looked between Ric and his twin as they had a conversation, the two clearly ignoring him.
"Do you still know of a way to get in touch with Isobel?"
"Even if I did, she isn't gonna help."
Ric shook his head.
"Katherine said that Isobel knew of Klaus."
"She does."
Roman mumbled barley catching Stefan's attention.
"So this isn't about Rose, it's about Elena. I have an old number, probably out of service."
All the talk that didn't involve him made Roman want to bang his head against the bar.
"No harm in giving it to me then?"
Stefan gave a tight smile.
"You know you can't trust Isobel, even when it comes to Elena."
"I know that."
Alaric nodded deciding he believed Stefan.
"Alright. I'm gonna see if I can find the number. If I do, I'll text it to you."
Stefan nodded leaving the bar.
Roman glanced at his phone deciding he should go feed.
"I'll see you soon."
Roman smiled kissing Ric on the cheek.
"See you soon."

Apparently Rose had died from the werewolf bite, not that Roman cared.
The Salvatore had other matters he had to take care of.
"There's a wolf, there's a moonstone, there's a vampire what are you waiting on?"
"Well in case you didn't realize we're missing one crucial ingredient."
Roman grinned at Klaus's annoyed tone.
"What the doppelgänger?"
The silence told Roman he was right.
"What if I told you she's here too?"
"Then I'd tell you I'll be there soon."
Roman laughed hearing Niklaus chuckle.
"I'm just tying up a few more loose ends with the spell and the witches."
"Good I'll see you then."
"Until then mate."
Roman grinned eagerly knowing Niklaus would get his curse broken in no time.
But in the back of Roman's mind he wondered if his friends would ever forgive him.

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