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Roman had walked downstairs at the perfect moment

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Roman had walked downstairs at the perfect moment.
"Klaus, I know he's real."
He heard Rose telling his siblings and Elena.
"Who is he?"
Roman cleared his throat walking into the living room.
Everyone turned to him curiously as he smirked.
"Now this, I can tell you about."
Roman could see how eager Damon was to get useful information out of him.
"Well go ahead."
Damon urged as everyone waited for Roman to speak.
"Klaus is an original, Elijah's brother. They're both equally scary if you ask me but Klaus is more in touch with his animal side."
Roman chuckled with a smirk as Elena's eyes widened.
"So the biggest baddest vampire in the world is coming after me?"
Damon glared at Roman trying to calm the doppelgänger down.
"Look Elijah's dead, so no one knows that you exists."
Stefan eased Elena.
Roman pursed his lips together looking to the ceiling, not going unnoticed by Damon.
"Why are you making that face?"
"What face? I'm not making a face."
Roman shook his head as Damon narrowed his eyes at his brother.
"Look, I've never even met anyone who's laid eyes on him-"
"I have."
Roman cut his twin off as everyone stared at him with wide eyes.
Rose gaped.
"Oh Rosie, we're best friends."
Roman chuckled.
"Did you tell him I'm here?"
Elena shouted nervously.
"Of course not, but if I have to I just might."
Roman said truthfully.
Stefan glared at his twin.
"Klaus has been looking for you for centuries Elena it inevitable."
Roman saw the hurt in Elena's eyes and it almost made him feel guilty.
"I probably won't be the one to let it slip though."
Roman sighed grabbing his bag as he walked toward the door.
"What's that supposed to mean?"
Roman stopped his hand on the door.
The Salvatore chuckled throwing a glance back to his twin.
"You don't really think Elijah's dead do you?"
And with that Roman left the boarding house knowing his true colors would show when Klaus came into town.

"You really left me in that house all alone?"
Elijah rose an eyebrow at Roman who laughed as they walked down the streets.
"Think of it as me getting even."
"Fair enough I suppose."
Elijah smirked as Roman grinned.
Elijah stopped in front of a man playing guitar, putting a hundred in and grabbing some coins out of the case.
"Did you just steal money from that man?"
Roman asked teasingly as Elijah rolled his eyes.
"Are you going to tell Niklaus?"
Elijah asked tossing the coins in his hand.
Roman sighed not wanting to discuss Klaus with Elijah.
"I tell Niklaus everything."
Roman responded simply.
"Does it bother you being a lapdog?"
Elijah smirked as Roman glared.
"Does it bother you knowing your own brother trusts me more than you?"
The air between the two fell tense as they butted heads.
"You think I don't know you let Nik get beaten all those years ago? Do you not think he still thinks about it-"
"Enough Roman."
Elijah glared as Roman chuckled bitterly.
"Niklaus deserves at least one person who he can trust and I intended to be that person. Regardless if it affects anyone else's trust in me."
With that Roman stormed off starting to wonder when he'd give Klaus the good news.

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