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"Ric!"Roman smiled catching Alaric walking into the boarding house and giving him a quick kiss

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Roman smiled catching Alaric walking into the boarding house and giving him a quick kiss.
"What are you doing here?"
Alaric asked someone behind Roman setting a box down on the table.
Roman looked over seeing Jeremy Gilbert.
"Helping Damon. I'm the one who found out about the moonstone."
"The moonstone?"
Roman asked tensely clenching his jaw.
"Where is it?"
Roman took urgent steps closer to Jeremy.
"Now you've never shared your secrets with us so why would we-"
"Dammit Damon where's the stone?"
Roman screamed.
Alaric placed a hand on the vampires shoulder.
"Are you okay?"
Alaric grabbed Roman's chin making him meet his eyes.
"I'm fine."
"You never mean that."
Alaric shook his head.
Roman sighed running his hands through his hair and turning to the Gilbert.
"My apologies Jeremy, I don't know what's gotten into me."
Roman almost gagged at his words, he sounded like Elijah.
Not that he'd know since Elijah hadn't called him in weeks.
"Aren't you the gay brother?"
Jeremy asked as Damon bursted out laughing.
"I'm bi so fuck you."
Roman faked anger as Jeremy chuckled shaking his head.
"You're bi?"
Alaric rose an eyebrow as Roman squinted at him.
"It doesn't matter!"
"Right, right does Elena know you're here?"
Alaric asked the youngest Gilbert grabbing onto Roman's hand trying to drop the previous conversation.
"Not exactly."
Jeremy chuckled with a shrug.
"What you got?"
Damon asked starting to dig through the box.
"This is Isobel research's from Duke. Her assistant sent it to me."
Ric sighed glancing at Roman.
"Mmm, Vanessa. The hottie."
Roman scoffed taking the book from Damon's hand and hitting him on the back with it.
"Vanessa, yes. Now, do you remember the old Aztec curse she told us about?"
Roman walked into the kitchen grabbing a blood bag as he watched them talk about the fake curse.
"Sun and the moon, blah blah blah blah blah."
"An Aztec curse? Cool."
Jeremy grinned as Roman sipped on the blood bag not saying a word.
"Yeah, supposedly vampires and werewolves used to roam freely until a shaman put a curse on them to limit their power. Since then, werewolves can only turn on a full moon and vampires are weakened by the sun."
Damon and Roman both held up their hands showing Jeremy their daylight rings.
"Most of them, anyway."
Damon smirked.
"According to the legend, the werewolf part of the curse is sealed with the moonstone."
Roman clenched his fists at the word moonstone.
Jeremy freaking Gilbert of all people knew where it was, and he wouldn't tell him.
"What do you mean sealed?"
Jeremy rose an eyebrow.
"The curse is sealed within the moonstone, it binds the curse together ultimately being the only thing to break it. Supposedly."
Roman spoke up tossing the blood bag away.
"Maybe Mason Lockwood believes he can use the moonstone to break the curse."
Alaric proposed.
Roman almost felt bad at how idiotic he sounded.
"If we start believing in some supernatural witchy-woo legend from a picture book, we're idiots. Who has the stone now?"
Roman leaned in close listening for the stones whereabouts.
Damon's eyes widened as he looked over to his smirking brother.
"Roman don't you dare-"
"Sorry brother."
With that Roman sped out of the boarding house, leaving Damon ready to punch Jeremy.

Roman found the stone with ease in the Lockwood mansion.
He was ecstatic pulling out his phone as he walked the streets of Mystic Falls.
"Guess what Nikki?"
Roman chuckled into the phone.
"I'm guessing you have good news."
Roman grinned hearing Klaus chuckle.
"I've got the stone."
Roman could basically feel Klaus's grin through the phone.
"That's wonderful. Any word from Elijah?"
Roman rolled his eyes.
"I call you with astounding news and all you care for is Elijah?"
Roman sighed as Klaus scoffed.
"Well I'll have you know love Elijah is planning against you and I."
Roman stopped in his tracks as a wave of stress fell over him.
"Right, l'll call you soon."
Roman hung up the phone.
The guilt of Roman betraying his friends felt heavy on his shoulders as he thought about what he'd been planning.
He decided he would try to be there for them.

Roman found the house easily knocking on the door.
A blonde woman with short hair opened the door smiling gently.
"Hi, may I come in? I'm one of Caroline's friends."
Roman said politely.
"Of course come in, she's in her room."
Roman sighed thankfully as he stepped into the house.
He knocked on Caroline's door hearing a 'come in.'
"Oh hey."
Caroline smiled kindly at Roman.
"Hey Care, I'm sorry I haven't come to see you sooner I just-"
"Don't be."
Caroline laughed lightly.
"I'm sorry Katherine did this to you."
Roman whispered.
"It's okay, I mean it's not okay that my mom would hate me but-"
Caroline stopped, sniffling as she sat on her bed.
"Caroline. Nobody could ever hate you."
Roman whispered taking a step closer to her grabbing her face in his hands and wiping a tear from her cheek.
The silence was tense yet calming as Roman looked down into Caroline's eyes.
Neither of them truly realized they were leaning closer until their lips touched.
Caroline threaded her hands through Roman's hair pulling him on top of her without breaking the kiss.
However Roman quickly jumped back.
"Jesus am I constantly on self destruct?"
Roman shouted mostly at himself.
"Sorry. I'm sorry-"
"No Caroline it's just, I have a boyfriend and I shouldn't have done that and-"
Roman took a deep breath pacing the girls bedroom.
"I'm just going to go, call me if you need anything."
Roman gave her a smile wandering out of the house.
Roman stood on her porch running a hand down his face as he replayed the moment in his head.
"What in the gay hell just happened?"

|why do I keep whoring
Roman out? do you guys
think it's fine or he needs
to get on track?|

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