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All Roman wanted to do was feed

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All Roman wanted to do was feed.
Take a peaceful walk through town and feed.
So you can imagine his shock when he got shot in the back of the head and woke up in a cage with Caroline.
"Are you absolutely joking?"
Roman glared at the werewolf sitting in front of him.
"You have to be joking."
Roman was furious, he hadn't done anything too bad lately, so why did he always seem to have bad luck?
Roman could hear Caroline freaking out but he paid no attention to it.
"Get used to it man, it's gonna be a long night."
The werewolf smirked pointing his gun at Caroline, however Roman quickly jumped in front of her taking a bullet in the shoulder.
"Oh look at that, you're a hero."
The werewolf chuckled humorously.
"And you're a dick, maybe it's genetic for mutts like you."
Roman smirked.
However the werewolf shot him again, this time in the leg.
Suddenly the werewolf Roman had seen at the grill walked in with a phone.
"He wants proof."
She grinned holding the phone out.
The man grinned as well shooting Roman again, the bullet barley missing his heart.
Roman screamed as the wood burrowed into his skin.
"Oh my god."
Caroline gaped trying to move him out of the way.
"Caroline don't."
Roman growled.
The wolf grinned and left without another word.
"I'm gonna kill you."
Roman growled, his veins appearing under his eyes.
The man only chuckled shooting him again in the arm.
Roman groaned but didn't move, he wasn't about to let Caroline get hurt.
"So how many vampires are in this town anyway?"
He asked kneeling in front of Roman who was sucking wind through his teeth. 
"You've got both of them in this cage pretty boy."
Roman smirked teasingly.
The werewolf pursed his lips squirting vervain in Roman's eyes.
The Salvatore groaned in pain not letting another scream past his lips.
"Roman just get back!"
Caroline cried, however Roman didn't budge.
"Okay I'll tell you."
Roman whispered out.
The werewolf leaned closer, pressing his ear to the cage.
"When I get out of here, I'm going to tear your throat out with my teeth."
Roman laughed grinning wildly.
The man glared spraying him again with vervain and storming out of the trailer.
As soon as the door had closed.
Roman fell back into Caroline panting.
"Care you have to get the bullets out please."
She sniffled.
Roman grunted in pain trying to stay quiet as Caroline dug her fingers into his arm pulling out the wood.
She did the same to his leg and Roman was thankful he could feel the shots slowly healing.
Caroline asked softly, her hands hovering over Roman's chest.
The Salvatore nodded weakly.
Caroline plunged her hands into his chest, pulling a short scream from Roman.
"I got it, I got it."
Caroline sighed in relief helping Roman sit up.
"Thank you."
"Don't thank me. You're the one taking bullets."
Caroline frowned as Roman just shot her a forced smile.
"I'm the one who deserves it. Damon killed their friend, I'm the closest thing to Damon."

Roman could hear fighting going on outside when Tyler rushed into the trailer.
"Tyler there's a latch, Tyler please, please."
Caroline begged as Roman glared down the werewolf.
Tyler hesitated looking outside.
"Tyler you don't know these people, you've known Caroline since you were kids. So God help you if you don't open this latch I'll kill you."
Roman hissed, even in his weak state he wasn't worried about the wolves in the slightest.
Tyler finally rushed over lifting up the cage.
Roman sped out of the trailer running over to the man who had been torturing him, who was straddling Damon on the ground.
"You need to be put down mutt."
Roman grinned his eyes flashing.
However the man screamed clutching his head as he fell to the ground, and Roman felt something stop him from moving.
A witch walked to the middle of the field sparring a glance to Roman.
"Elijah said no."
The witch whispered to him making Roman scoff rolling his eyes.
"Elijah made a promise to Elena. I'm here to see it's upheld. You need to go. Get out of here now."
The man told Stefan, releasing Roman from the spell.
The Salvatore's rushed out of the woods, Roman wishing he could've killed the wolf.
Caroline's voice stopped the vampire in his tracks.
"Thank you."
She said softly.
"Don't mention it."
Roman gave her a smile speeding off.
Leaving Caroline to wonder if he'd always protected people like he had her.

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