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Roman and Rebekah, putting their high IQ's to good use, made the deduction that their very own Wickery Bridge was where the White Oak resided

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Roman and Rebekah,
putting their high IQ's to good use, made the deduction that their very own Wickery Bridge was where the White Oak resided.
The two were investigating when they ran into none other then Damon and Alaric, and a woman named Sage.
"Look what the cat dragged in."
Rebekah glared at the woman, Roman lazily throwing an arm over her shoulder sending a wink to Alaric.
"Easy there, Rebekah. You know she use to beat men for sport."
Damon grinned.
"Rebekah used to eat them."
Roman smirked wickedly as did Rebekah.
Damon and Roman had a short stare off, always having to 'one up' each other.
"Rebekah. What a happy surprise."
Sage said through her teeth.
"What are you doing here Sage?"
Rebekah stuck her nose up, clearly thinking nothing of the woman.
"Well, I heard Finn was finally freed from that casket your rageaholic brother Klaus carted him around in."
Roman rolled his eyes at the woman.
"Oh Finn, you just missed him."
Roman faked sympathy.
"He left town and didn't tell a soul where he was going."
Bekah added in, her and Roman always seeming to compliment each other with their sass.
"He probably went looking for me."
Sage grinned arrogantly.
"Or he forgot all about that one girl from that one decade."
Roman and Rebekah laughed menacingly.
"I doubt that."
Sage pursed her lips.
"No? Cause he didn't seem to mention you. Sorry you came all this way for nothing. Have a nice life."
Rebekah grinned at the girl, as Roman did with the boys, before the two strutted off down the bridge.
"I didn't know Satan gave birth to twins."
The pair rolled their eyes at Sage's comment getting down to business.

Roman and Rebekah had done it.
There in the middle of the bridge was a bonfire of White Oak.
Sage had warned the two of Damon's plans to harvest the Oak, she was happy to help them dispose of it.
Roman couldn't help the loud laugh that escaped his lips was Damon drove onto the bridge.
"Your grand plans always seem to get ruined, don't they? Sorry to disappoint you. Again."
Rebekah smiled sickly sweet at Damon.
"Sorry big brother, you should know by now I'm always a step ahead."
Roman smirked walking off the bridge with Rebekah.
"How are you always a step ahead?"
Bekah rose her eyebrow as they made their way to the mansion.
"I listen. I learn. Not to brag but I probably know more then anyone in this town about supernatural history."
Rebekah furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.
"But how does that make you a step ahead?"
"Like when everyone here was trying to break the 'Sun and Moon curse' I knew it was Klaus's hybrid spell. I knew what they were going to stir up before they did."
Roman weakly explained.
"It's complicated Bekah, don't think about it too much."
Roman sighed looking back at the bridge, the raging fires entrancing him.
"Oh my God, Rebekah."
"We forgot the damn sign."

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