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"You trapped her in the house?"Stefan and Roman squinted at Damon from inside the tomb

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"You trapped her in the house?"
Stefan and Roman squinted at Damon from inside the tomb.
"It's for the best. Trust me. Elena is on a martyr tear that rivals your greatest hits. You should be glad the witch and I are even getting along. I brought you two this."
Damon tossed Stefan a bag, not wanting to risk being trapped as well.
"Care package: candles, lanterns and lunch."
Damon smirked holding out a bottle of blood.
"Give that to me and I'm just gonna have to share it with her."
Stefan told Damon who looked to Roman.
The youngest Salvatore nodded in agreement deciding he'd rather starve and watch Katherine decompose.
"You two are surprisingly calm, considering Klaus will hunt you down and kill you if you mess with his little plan."
Katherine smirked as Roman glared stomping over to her, much to Damon's confusion.
"You're one to talk Katherine, you've been running so long you'd think you would've been smarter about the decisions you make."
Katherine glared slapping Roman as hard as she could.
Roman growled veins creeping under his eyes.
"I can't wait to watch him kill you."

Roman groaned loudly when he felt someone kick him in the ribs.
He looked up to see Elijah and gave a smirk to the original.
"Come on Roman."
Elijah sighed.
Roman rolled his eyes standing up, shooting Katherine a wink as he followed Elijah out of the tomb and into the woods.
"Making deals like a school boy Elijah?"
Roman chuckled teasingly.
"Beats being stuck in a church yes?"
Elijah grinned right back at the Salvatore.
"You can plot and plan and say you hate him all you want Lijah, but in the end I know you would rather die for him then see him get hurt again."
"Maybe it used to be like that. Before he stuffed our siblings into coffins."
Elijah glared at Roman.
"How does this affect you anyway? Why not let him tear this town apart and then move on?"
Roman squinted at Elijah who merely sighed.
"Regardless of what I say to you nothing will change your opinion."
"Yeah you're right."
Roman nodded crossing his arms in content.
"I won't be able to vouch for you when he gets here."
"I know that."
Elijah said calmly.
Roman nodded going to walk away.
The Salvatore stopped looking back at the original.
"Don't let his plans change you. You're losing yourself again, your brothers can see it, your friends, I can as well."
Roman could hear the worry in Elijah's voice.
"I'll be fine."
With that Roman stalked off trying to ease his wandering thoughts.

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