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Roman wasn't sure how long he'd been down in the cellar, but he guessed it was a while since Damon started giving him the smallest amounts of blood possible

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Roman wasn't sure how long he'd been down in the cellar, but he guessed it was a while since Damon started giving him the smallest amounts of blood possible.
"Starting to worry you'll never get it back on?"
Roman had smirked and asked his eldest brother.
However Damon hadn't replied.
It had been a while since Damon had spoke to him.
So when the cellar door opened he let out a grave chuckle.
"So soon Damon?"
Roman slowly pushed himself to sit up.
"Not quite."
Roman was shocked about seeing Stefan but he wouldn't let himself admit it.
"Ah my twin, my other half, my soulmate-"
"Cut it out Roman."
Stefan pursed his lips together in an almost grin as he sat in front of his twin.
"You didn't miss me big brother?"
Roman pouted.
"Not one bit."
Stefan was aware Roman knew he was joking when he laughed.
"What's the dose today Doc?"
"Nothing special Roman."

"What's this game called again?"
A twelve year old Roman scratched the top of his head, the other hand holding onto his suspenders.
"It's called tag Ro!"
Stefan sighed out pulling on his suspenders as well.
"What's the point?"
"You're supposed to chase me!"
"Why would I chase you?"
"Cause that's the game stupid!"
"You're stupid!"
"You're ugly!"
"We look the same stupid!"
"We're fraternal idiot!"
An odd silence fell over the twins as they just stared at each other with squinted eyes.
"You wanna play hide and seek?"
Roman asked dropping his hands by his side.
"Yeah sure."
Stefan nodded as if the conversation the two just had was nonexistent.
"Can I join?"
Both the twins grinned at their eldest brother who ruffled their hair.
"I'll count first, go hide!"
Stefan and Roman laughed running away from Damon with smiles stuck on their faces.

"Childhood innocence what a terrible thing."
Roman pouted as Stefan rolled his eyes.
"You're really going to act like this? You know how bad it hurt last time to turn it back on so you're just trying to avoid it, is that it?"
Stefan spoke quick and Roman could tell he was angry.
"I don't know Stefan, you tell me. Last I heard you were going all over the Appalachians ripping heads off."
Roman laughed as Stefan bitterly glared standing up quickly and storming out.

Elena sighed as did Bonnie.
"You've got to be kidding."
Alaric groaned running a hand down his face.
"Well what do we do now?"
Stefan looked to Damon.
The eldest Salvatore sighed deeply rolling his shoulders.
"Tomorrow it will work."
Damon assured everyone.
"How do you know that?"
Bonnie questioned.
"Just trust me it will. But he'll remember everything, the ritual, the killings, all of it."
Damon pinched the bridge of his nose tensely.
"Then what?"
Alaric asked leaning against the bookshelf.
"Then we have to be there for him."
Stefan told them seriously crossing his arms.
"What are you gonna do to him?"
Bonnie asked, worry overtaking her.
"Did he ever tell you about the fire?"
Damon questioned Bonnie making the other three in the room furrow their eyebrows.
Bonnie nodded softly with a gulp.
"If that doesn't work then he really is gone."
Damon sighed.
The five all stared at the floor in silence, each anticipating tomorrow and silently hoping things would work out.

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