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Roman had stayed in the mansion, not wanting to be separated from the siblings

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Roman had stayed in the mansion, not wanting to be separated from the siblings.
"Rebekah? Tell me how handsome I am."
Kol smirked standing in front of a mirror with his newly tailored suit.
"Ah Kol, you know I can't be compelled."
Finn snorted and Rebekah smirked as an assistant painted her nails.
"How about me? I think you look wonderful."
Roman smiled kissing the side of Kol's neck.
"Thanks darling."
Kol smirked.
"Really Roman, way to make his head ten times bigger."
Rebekah rolled her eyes playfully.
"I couldn't help it Bekah, look at him."
Roman grinned up at Kol who still had his cocky smirk.
However the playful teasing stopped when Klaus busted through the front door.
"You went after Elena? What is wrong with you?"
The hybrid shouted at his sister.
"Here we go."
Bekah sighed rolling her eyes.
"Do you want another dagger in your heart?"
Roman's eyes widened at that threat, hoping there wouldn't be a dispute over it.
"Again with the dagger threats? Don't you have any other tricks?"
Kol laughed not taking the threat seriously.
"Oh, go back to staring at yourself."
Klaus glared.
"Roman was doing that for him."
Rebekah chimed in with a teasing grin as Roman stuck his tongue out at her. 
"And who are you, my father?"
Kol rose an eyebrow.
"No, Kol, but you're in my house."
Klaus hissed.
"Then perhaps we should go outside."
Roman stopped at that his shoulders tensing as he placed a hand on Kol's shoulder, knowing Klaus wouldn't take kindly to his touch.
"Enough! Niklaus, come."
Esther commanded as the hybrid complied.
"Come darling, your suit is next."
Kol grinned taking the Salvatore's hand.
"And who decided I want a suit tailored?"
Roman rose an eyebrow at the boy.
"Me of course."
Rebekah smiled wrapping her arms around Roman's shoulders.
"Of course it was you."
Roman laughed as they pulled him away.

Roman felt out of place at the ball.
His suit was all black, and his blue eyes seemed to stand out in the crowd.
"If I didn't know you better I'd say you're nervous."
Rebekah said softly taking his hand in comfort.
Roman forced a chuckle shaking his head.
"What's wrong?"
Rebekah pouted.
"I'm not sure. Wether it's all of you being awake, or the fact that I feel-"
Roman stopped shaking his head.
"You feel what?"
"That something's wrong."
Roman shook his head.
"Come on."
Elijah walked by pulling Rebekah and Roman with him swiftly up the stairs.
Rebekah hooked her arm with Roman as they stood a ways behind Elijah.
"Uh, if everyone could gather, please.
Welcome, thank you for joining us. You know, whenever my mother brings our family together like this, it's tradition for us to commence the evening with a dance."
Elijah announced to everyone at the ball, Roman could see the joy in Rebekah's eyes.
He remembered how much she loved dancing.
"Tonight's pick is a centuries-old waltz, so if all of you could please find yourselves a partner, please join us in the ballroom."
Roman happily led Rebekah down the stairs.
"I'm guessing you have a dance with someone else in mind?"
Roman smiled as she nodded.
"His name is Matt."
Roman nodded his head telling her to go find him.
"Care for a dance darling?"
Roman chuckled, recognizing Kol's voice before he even turned around.
"I'd love to."
Kol pulled Roman onto the floor as the two began to dance.
Years ago Kol taught Roman the very same dance.
"I hear you've got a boyfriend."
Kol smirked almost teasingly.
"I do. He's a human, a history teacher."
Kol snorted at that and Roman playfully rolled his eyes.
"What about Klaus? Elijah?"
"Klaus was never serious, and Elijah was to absorbed in his do-gooding ways."
Roman rolled his eyes wondering how things changed so randomly with the brothers.
"And me?"
Kol rose an eyebrow seemingly serious.
"You were gone."
Roman told him simply, and before he knew it they were changing dance partners.
"Long time no see love."
Klaus did anything but smile as Roman danced with him.
"Niklaus, what could you possibly be so bitter about?"
Roman narrowed his eyes at the hybrid.
"You turned on me."
Klaus whispered harshly almost making Roman reel back.
"Are you insane? You and all of your siblings are well aware I would've stopped them if they took it too far. And for your information I have every right to turn on you if I want to!"
Roman kept his voice quiet but his tone came out harsh.
"You forced me to be everything I swore to myself I'd never be again."
Roman stopped dancing as Klaus stared at him with guilty eyes.
"You're going to miss me so bad when I am gone Niklaus.
I have stood by you when you have given me every reason not to."
With that Roman left the ballroom and went to the bar.
He drank quite a few trying to calm his nerves.
The Salvatore could never tell why he seemed to be on edge, maybe it was the Original siblings.
Maybe it was his siblings.
Maybe it was the fact that Alaric wasn't there with him and he always seemed to be fine when Alaric was with him.
Roman pulled out his phone calling him.
"Hey Ro, are you okay?
Roman laughed lightly at his worried voice.
"I'm good. I just miss you."
"I miss you too Roman."
The Salvatore smiled at Alaric's laugh.
"Where are you?"
"Just getting some things at the Boarding house."
"Stay there okay I'm going there right now."
Alaric's laugh made Roman chuckle as well as he made his way out of the mansion giving a wave to Elijah.
"See you soon Ro."
"See you soon."

Roman hurried into the house tossing his jacket down.
Ric smiled at him as Roman grinned bringing him into a kiss.
Ric ran his hands up Roman's chest pulling apart his button down sending buttons flying everywhere.
"That was personally tailored."
Roman faked a glare as he and Alaric walked up to his room.
"That's unfortunate."
Roman rolled his eyes bringing Alaric in for another kiss as they slammed their door shut.

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