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"I don't wanna go

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"I don't wanna go."
Roman whined like a child as he and Alaric drove to Elena's house.
Jenna and Mason Lockwood were having a small party.
"Come on let's skip."
Roman leaned over kissing Alaric's neck.
"Put your seatbelt on."
Alaric laughed playfully pushing Roman away.
"Yes because I'm in so much danger."
Roman mocked slumping down in his seat.
"You're acting like a child. Aren't you supposed to be a hundred or something?"
Alaric teased with a smile as Roman's eyes widened and he gasped.
"That's rude. I'm jumping out of the car."
Alaric laughed grabbing Roman's hand.
"Come on it'll be fun."
Roman rolled his eyes as they parked in the Gilbert drive way.
"I have fun when I'm alone with you."
Roman kisses Ric's wrist as the man scoffed.
"Come on."
Roman sighed hopping out of the car and grabbing Ric's hand as they walked in the door.
"Like old times, huh? Only I didn't swipe this bottle from my old man."
Roman and Ric walked into the kitchen to see Mason Lockwood handing Jenna a bottle of wine.
"Oh, the expensive stuff! I like you already."
Alaric grinned making himself known.
"Just happy to be invited."
Mason smiled at Roman who grinned back.
"Thank Ric, it was his idea."
Jenna grinned winking at Roman who sent a small smile.
Mason asked.
"Yeah, you know, I thought it would be nice to meet some of Jenna's high school friends. Dig up a little dirt."
Ric joked as Mason chuckled.
"I've got dirt. I've got dirt."
Roman grinned at Mason, the wolf passing him a drink.
"I have no secrets. Only dirty shame."
Jenna grinned.
"To dirty shame."
Alaric clinked glasses with Roman, as Jenna did with Mason.
The four downed their drinks.
Damon grinned walking into the kitchen.
Jenna clenched her jaw.
"We were just doing shots. Let me give you a shot glass, buddy."
Ric offered trying to walk away, but Roman whined pulling him back.
"Here. Use mine."
Jenna slammed hers onto the table.
Roman sighed kissing Ric's cheek.
"Go after her please?"
Ric nodded following the woman.
"She doesn't like me very much."
Damon told Mason as Roman walked over to the werewolf's side.
"No one likes you very much brother."
Damon glared at Roman.
"We haven't met. Mason Lockwood."
Mason politely shook Damon's hand.
"Oh sure. Damon Salvatore."
"I know. I heard great things about you."
"Really? That's weird. He's a dick!"
Mason laughed at Roman patting his shoulder.

Alaric groaned as the Salvatore pulled him back for the fifth time.
"Where do you keep trying to run off to?"
Roman laughed locking his fingers with Alaric's.
"I have to help Jenna with the food."
Ric chuckled as Roman groaned in annoyance throwing his head back.
"I didn't realize you were so clingy."
Alaric teased as Roman's jaw dropped.
"I'm not clingy."
"From what I've seen you're clingy."
The couple turned to see Mason grinning as he walked into the kitchen.
"Sorry, didn't mean to eavesdrop."
"No worries Mason."
Roman smiled kindly.
"How long have you guys been together?"
The werewolf questioned.
"A while now."
Ric answered as Roman squeezed his hand.
"I thought Jenna said you were in high school Roman."
Mason rose an eyebrow.
"Technically I am."
"But she also said Alaric was a high school teacher."
Roman felt Alaric tense.
"Well I'm dropping out soon, so it won't matter."
Roman's kind facade had dropped instantly.
"I'm not trying to split hairs, I'm just wondering how you two work."
"It's none of your concern-"
Roman hissed as Mason watched smugly.
"Ro, Ro, he was just asking don't get worked up."
Roman took a deep breath letting go of Ric's hand.
"Go help with the food."
Roman nodded toward the door as he poured himself a drink throwing it back.

"Mason, why don't you start us off?"
Damon grinned setting the knife in front of Mason so he could cut the pie.
"You're a fucking idiot."
Roman mumbled under his breath as he leaned back into Alaric, the two standing by the counter.
Mason grinned smugly taking the pie with his hands instead of the knife.
"I apologize, I'm an animal."
Mason made eye contact with Roman as he licked his fingers.
"So Mason, you and Jenna never dated?"
Alaric cleared his throat trying to disperse the awkwardness.
"She was always lost in Logan Fell land."
Roman chuckled at the thought.
"My first mistake. Mason was a catch; he had girls lining up."
Jenna smiled at her friend.
"Really? I always pegged you for a lone wolf."
Roman sighed at Damon's idiocy.
"I'm sure I wasn't half the lady killer you were."
Mason responded to Damon as the two held eye contact.
"How about a toast? To new friends."
Roman interrupted the stare off, the five held up their drinks throwing them back.
Roman glared harshly at a confused Damon, ready to tear him a new one.

Alaric, Mason, and Jenna retreated to the living room leaving Damon and Roman alone.
The youngest Salvatore grabbed his brother by the throat pinning him to the wall.
"What the hell is wrong with you?"
Roman hissed his eyes on the verge of changing as the shadow of veins crept under his eyes.
"You haven't been feeding little brother."
Damon chuckled.
Roman growled slamming Damon's head into the wall.
"Do not try to irritate Mason Lockwood, I'll chain you up myself."
Roman pushed Damon into the wall one last time walking off.

Roman had said goodbye to everyone, telling Alaric he'd see him tomorrow.
Roman dialed the number almost twelve times in one minute as he paced the dark alley behind the Mystic Grill.
Getting voicemail every time.
"Elijah I swear to god I've done nothing to you! Pick your damn phone up you original dick!"
Roman hung up his phone his blood boiling as he pulled at his hair.
Roman let out a yell throwing his phone into the wall.
"Are you alright?"
Roman turned seeing a blonde woman.
The vampire didn't give a second thought, speeding over to the woman and tearing her throat out as he drained her.
"You're starting to do it again."
Roman's head snapped up seeing Katherine in front of him.
"Do what Katerina?"
Roman wiped the blood off his mouth standing up.
Katherine lifted her hand wiping blood off of the corner of his lips.
"You're letting your stress get to you. When that happens you tend to lose your morals."
Roman glared his eyes dark.
"My morals don't concern you."
Roman bumped shoulders with the doppelgänger sauntering out of the alley.

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