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Roman was really having a rough day

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Roman was really having a rough day.
It wasn't even noon and he was having a, not out of the ordinary, bad day.
Roman entered the police station in a hurry.
"I didn't do it."
Roman heard Alaric say.
"Baby what happened?"
Roman hurried to the cell looking at Alaric through the bars.
"You're arresting him for what this nut job Dr. Fell says?"
Damon glared at the Sheriff, Caroline's mom.
"No, I'm detaining him. The cell is for his own good. You were shot; Dr. Fell used vampire blood to heal you."
The sheriff said shooting a sideways glance to Roman.
"Dr. Fell is the one who shot me."
"You got shot?"
Roman gaped and Alaric sighed.
"Ro I'm fine-"
"The bitch is dead."
Roman hissed kicking the cell.
"Why isn't she in here?"
Roman angrily asked the blonde woman.
"Because you came at her with a knife!"
'Liz', as her name tag read, tried to explain.
"Yeah, with a knife I had found hidden in her things!"
Ric fired back, taking note of Roman's agitated state.
"Are we gonna ignore the part where he is one of the killer's victims? I mean, the guy was practically stabbed to death."
Damon added in.
Roman shouted his eyes narrowed at Alaric, almost as if he was scolding a child.
"Well, Dr. Fell suggested his wounds could have been self-inflicting."
Liz sighed.
"You think he stabbed himself?"
Roman threw his arms up shaking his head.
"Look, I think I don't know what to think. I've got nothing, except murder weapons from your stash and a respected member of a founding family pointing a very long finger."
Liz sighed making Roman growl under his breath.
"She is setting me up. I'm being framed here!"
Alaric protested tiredly running a hand over his face.
"Well, that may be so, but I don't have any proof of that."
Liz threw her arms up.
"Well then we'll find some."
Damon patted Roman on the shoulder.
"No, just stay out of this, Damon. You getting involved is only going to make matters worse."
The sheriff shook her head.
"Listen Liz, I'll do as I please. Alaric does not belong in that cell, and God forbid the murder takes another victim while he's in there."
Roman gave an evil smirk.
"If you're suggesting what I think you are-"
"Oh I am."
Roman cut off the sheriff with a menacing grin.
"I've killed almost three hundred people in this town. What's a few more?"
Alaric and Damon both knew Roman would never kill a mass of people again, but Liz didn't.
"Cut it out Roman."
Damon lazily told his brother.
"Don't make me put you in that cell with him!"
Liz glared at Roman turning away.
"You'll be out soon okay sweetheart?"
Alaric nodded at Roman, the vampire kissing his hand through the bars.
"See you soon."
"See you soon."

Roman was right, Alaric did get out of the cell by the end of the day.
However Roman didn't see him as soon as possible.
Roman had a bigger problem, as much as he hated to admit it, a bigger problem then Alaric.
"We're sure the White Oak is still out there?"
"I don't know Roman."
Rebekah sighed over the phone.
"Bekah you're the smartest person I know alongside myself, is it or is it not?"
Roman tugged at his curls.
"I believe it is."
Roman sighed and Rebekah winced.
She heard that sigh from him many times,
it was when Roman was ready to disregard anyone's feelings to get what he needed done.
"I guess we'll just have to find it, even if we have to set the whole town on fire."

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