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Roman had gone out early not expecting a call from Damon

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Roman had gone out early not expecting a call from Damon.
"Were you gonna tell us she was back?"
Roman smirked to himself.
"Why who are you talking about brother?"
Roman chuckled hearing Damon groan.
"You're so dead Roman Lee."
"We're both dead Day. See you later."
Roman grinned hanging up the phone knowing Damon was probably boiling over with rage.
Roman happened to be in a different state once again, he was holding off on Mystic Falls drama until his personal problems were handled.
Niklaus had once again told Roman to meet him and it was urgent.
"Niklaus are you alright?"
Roman asked the blonde placing a hand on his shoulder as he sensed his anger.
"Elijah bloody up and left."
Klaus growled slamming a glass down on the bar.
Roman gaped, of course he knew Elijah didn't agree with his brother but he never thought he'd actually leave, not without telling Roman first.
Roman quickly took out his phone calling the other brother.
Roman drug a hand down his face taking a deep breath.
"I knew this would happen."
Klaus growled.
"Hey, you and I can still do this. We don't need Elijah, I can be much more help than him."
Roman angrily told Niklaus.
"Well we better do so because we don't have another century to try and get rid of this bloody curse!"
Niklaus shouted throwing a glass and shattering it against the wall.
"Sir you need to leave."
Roman glared at the bartender.
"Roman take out the trash please."
The Salvatore sped over to the bar tender ripping out his throat as his warm blood spilled down Roman's face.
The people in the bar started screaming and Roman sighed rolling his eyes.
"Well now we have to kill everyone Nik."
The soon to be hybrid smirked at his friend.
"So be it."
Roman laughed speeding over to a man in a suit.
"Please I have a wife!"
"I don't care."
Roman chuckled sinking his teeth into the man as he heard more screams.

Niklaus stood in front of the bar while Roman sat on top of it wiping the blood from his skin.
"Well that was stress relieving."
Klaus smirked as Roman chuckled.
"I guess so."
Roman threw the bloody rag amongst the bodies piled by the door.
"I knew Elijah would eventually go against me, but I never thought he'd go against you."
Klaus shook his head as Roman sighed jumping off of the bar.
"We are not bound together Nik."
Roman glared slightly pouring himself a drink.
"Yes but you care for each other."
Roman shot Nik a pointed look as the blonde raised his hands in surrender.
"Elijah and I are in due time Niklaus. We have all of eternity, now isn't the time."
"You'd be surprised how quickly eternity can vanish."
Nik smirked taking Roman's drink and throwing it back.
"I'll keep you updated, meet again soon."
Nik nodded to Roman walking out of the bar.
Roman scoffed looking at the bodies.
He decided to spill alcohol all over the bar and set fire to it.

"Where have you been?"
Stefan yelled at Roman when he walked into the boarding house.
"I was out."
Roman rose an eyebrow at his twin.
"Out killing people?"
Roman looked down to where Stefan was pointing to see a large stain of blood.
"Katherine killed Caroline."
Roman's heart dropped, though he didn't talk to the blonde often he was very fond of her.
"She's a vampire now."
Roman felt the tension leave his chest thankful the girl was still around.
"Thank god."
"If you would've told us Katherine was here we could've stopped it!"
"This is bigger then you think Stefan!"
Roman yelled back at his brother making Stefan's eyes widen.
"This is bigger then Katherine and Mystic Falls!"
Roman seethed.
The youngest Salvatore took a deep breath trying to calm his racing mind.
"I don't need to explain myself. I'll help you stop Katherine. In the mean time I'm going to bed. Goodnight brother."

And when Roman fell asleep his mind was finally at ease.

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