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Roman gaped as he watched his siblings carry Elijah's daggered body into the cellar

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Roman gaped as he watched his siblings carry Elijah's daggered body into the cellar.
"What the hell?"
Roman yelled feeling his eyes burn.
"What the hell did you do?"
Roman yelled shoving Damon and not listening to Elena.
Damon smirked lying Elijah's body in the cell.
"Sorry baby brother but we've learned your side. And as of now you aren't allowed in this house."
Damon smirked as Roman felt his body pulling him out of the house.
Confusion covered Roman's face as he hit the invisible barrier of the house.
"What the hell?"
Roman's yell was almost deadly.
"Well brother, it seems Elijah filled us in with who you're sneaking off with. What you're planning."
Roman glared as Damon smirked in his face.
"You're making a mistake Damon."
Roman hissed as Damon chuckled.
"Karma is just coming your way Roman."
"Oh brother,"
Roman gave an evil chuckle his blue eyes ablaze.
"I am karma."

Roman had stormed into Alaric's apartment, something he never did.
He usually always waited for Alaric to let him in and that's how the teacher knew something was wrong.
Roman was quiet for a moment squinting his eyes as he bit his lips, Alaric feeling the annoyance radiating off of him.
"Did you not think I had a plan?"
Roman bellowed almost making Alaric jump at the sudden outburst.
"Roman I-"
"Did you not think I had a plan?"
Roman shouted his body shaking with anger, or betrayal, it was hard to tell.
"Roman of course-"
"I thought out of everyone at least you would have faith in me!"
Alaric had never seen Roman so distraught, the vampire pacing as he ran his hands through his hair.
"I-I didn't know what to think."
Alaric said meekly.
Roman chuckled bitterly.
"You didn't know what to the think?"
Roman's face looked amused but nothing about the situation made him want to laugh.
"I have been planning this for centuries, ever since I got into this town!"
Alaric reeled back as Roman yelled.
"I know every single move Elijah was going to make before he made it, and I wasn't done yet!"
Roman didn't care about how he was acting, he was about to set the boarding house on fire.
"Roman I'm sorry."
Alaric told him softly.
"Yeah. You should be."
Roman nodded cruelly.
"Because as of right now I can't do this."
"Ro, no-"
Alaric felt his heart drop into his stomach.
"This is done."
Roman didn't give another glance to Alaric storming out of his apartment and slamming the door.

Roman sat in the nice car he had stolen with a smirk on his face as he dialed his brother's number.
"Roman I'm sorry-"
"Don't worry brother."
Roman told him smirking, surprisingly Stefan was who he hated least at the moment.
"Just listen."
Roman could basically feel Stefan tense over the phone.
"I had plans."
Roman emphasized the words clenching his jaw.
"Unfortunately you all managed to completely throw them off for me.
Damon told me you all know where I've been going now. I haven't told Klaus a single thing about Elena, I had it under control."
Roman hissed through his teeth.
"But now guess where I am? In a car, getting ready to drive out of this town. I won't be coming back without a hybrid."
Roman chuckled.
"Roman please-"
"I'm sorry brother but hey, at least I'm letting you know what's going on."
Roman hung up the phone, anger sleeping through his bones.
He hit the gas, the car jerking forward as he sped out of Mystic Falls.

As the sky got darker and the drive got more quiet his mind started replaying the events that had happened.

A choked cry came from his lips as tears pooled in his eyes.
Roman swerved off the road slamming on the breaks as he hit the steering wheel.
He rested his head against the car as he furiously wiped away his tears, but more just fell.
The weight seemed to weigh on Roman as he thought back, he had felt truly alone until going to
Mystic Falls.

Now he truly was.

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