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She's here.Right beside me.She is talking to me.Smiling to me.Laughing at my jokes.

I'm dying to say I miss you,I love you.But,I have no right to say that after what I did to you.I hope you will forgive me.

I want to touch you like I used to.
I want to lie beside you like I used to.
I want to sing for you.
I want to see your beautiful face everyday.
I want everything about you.

"Hey,did you hear what I'm talking about?" She said."Yeah,sorry.I zoned out,"I said."Gosh, am i that boring? By the way, i need to go now.Please be careful next time or i will tied your ass in you room forever," she said.

"Don't go.Stay with me.Please, I said."Sorry,but I have to,"

And she leave.I can't get upset about it because what I did to her is unforgivable.



Me:I want to meet you.

Chipmunk:Jungkook...You know that's not going to happen.

Me:Please,one last time.I will text you the place and time.

Chipmunk:Fine,but make it quick

Me:Thank you so much

I want to explain everything to her.I mean everything.She need to know.I can't stand it anymore.I need her back.


I got discharged and I'm on my way to a park to meet Chaeyoung.

I hugged her.She look shocked but I didn't care.I need her.She tried to escape me but I didn't let her.

"Jungkook,what are you doing? Let me go," She said."No,please Chaeyoung.I love you.I need you.I miss you.Please come back to me.You know why I did that.Even your company has a dating ban.Please,I miss you.I miss you so much,"

"Yes,I know that.But,at that time,I'm not even a trainee yet.Why did you go? Why didn't you tell me the truth? Didn't you trust me? At least tell me something.Don't leave me clueless like that. At least tell me to wait for you because if you do,i am sure as hell i will wait for you," She said with tears in her eyes.

"I was a jerk that time.I was immature.I'm sorry.I'mso sorry.Please give me a chance.I love you,Park Chaeyoung.I love you,"

"Go,Jungkook.You can't do this to me.You should give me some space to think.But now,you just gonna make it worst.You're the one who left me," She said.

Namjoon is right.I should give her some space.

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