Take meh haaand~ And then take DIS POTETO! :>

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Me: *tucks hair behind ear* *reading* *upside down on the couch*

Rapunzel: *brushing her hair* MEH ISH BORED.

Me: You're not the only one, Punz... -.-

Anna: Hey guys! We haz a darrrrrre~

Hiccup: And I invited two guests...!

Vien: Hi...

Me: Hi KJ! :3

Vien: I find that highly offensive...

Me: Well, that's good to know! :D

Vien: -_-



Potato: *zaps Eggplant with her magical horn*

Eggplant: *is a potato*

Me: Mmph... Potegg it is then...

Merida: Oookay... Where's the next guest, Hic...?

*snowflakes and potatoes appeared out of nowhere*

Rapunzel: What's with you and potatoes...?

Me: IDK... The word sounds cute... X3 *eats french fries*

Sunshine: HI! :3

Jelsa: *stops making snowflakes*

Potato: *stops vomiting potatoes*

Vien: Why don't I get an intro like that...

Me: I didn't expect you to have a nice intro... XD

Vien: What's dat suppose to mean...?

Me: *shrugs*

Vien: X(

Anna: Oh... Well, we have a dare and question by TheBrabbit

"I dare you guys to sing 'Can I have this dance' from HSM 3-"

Me and Sunshine: *fangirling*

Anna: *in her coronation outfit* I'm ready!

Rapunzel: *in her princess outfit* Same here!

"Do the dance with your love interest..."

Me and Fangirls: Don't mind if we d-

Astrid: *to Hiccup* Take my hand...

Hiccup: *takes Astrid's hand*

Me and Anna: WAIT. WHAT?!

Me: *looks at Anna*

Anna: ... I don't know why I said that so don't blame me... *goes to Kristoff*

Fangirls: TT^TT

"Hic you must do it with Astrid. If not, Punz will hit you in the face with a frying pan"

Rap: *staring at Hiccup in a creepy way* *creepy smile* *holds up a frying pan*

*insert lightning*

Me: >_>

Sunshine and Vien: *sitting on the couch* *watches them*

Elsa: *to Jack* Take a breath...

Jack: *takes a breath*

Me: And take DIS POTETO! *gives Olaf a potato*

Olaf: :3

All but me and Olaf: *looks at me weirdly*

Me: What...?

Sunshine: *randomly making rainbows*

Vien: *is having a migraine* *faints*

Me: Oooooooooookaaaayyyy...?

Merida: *doing archery outside*

Jelsa, Kristanna, Eugunzel and Hiccstrid: *dancing and singing* *about to kiss*

Me: *randomly making snowflakes* *stops music*

Fangirls: *tackles Hiccup*

Some fangirls: *tackles Jack*

Hiccup fangirls: TEAM HICCUP!

Frost Fangirls: TEAM JACK!

Me: *curls into a ball and rocks back and forth in the corner* *shivers* No.... Pls.... I DON'T WANT ANY TWILIGHT MADNESS!

Rap: *hits fangirls with a frying pan*

Fangirls: *unconscious*

Anna: *clinging onto Kristoff's arm* We still have a question by him/her...

"Btw Kristoff is Sven a boy or a girl?"

Kristoff: Sven is a guy...

Anna: *Kristoff-Sven voice* Anna, I think I want a carrot... Mkaaaaaay~ :3

"Who do you love more? Anna or Sven?"

Anna: He is soooo gonna choose me? Riiiiiight? *glares at Kristoff*

Kristoff: Uh...

Sven: *grunts* *glares at Kristoff* (I'm sure he loves me more)

Anna: Shut it Sven! Nobody cares about what you're talking about!

Sven: *tackles Anna*

Anna and Sven: *beating the crap out of each other*

Kristoff: ... *backs away towards the door* *runs to the door* *leaves*

Super 6 but Anna: ...

Vien and Sunshine: GO ANNA GO! GO SVEN GO!

Me: Um... Who wants to eat...?

All but Anna and Sven: WE DO! *leaves*

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