The Letter

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My dearest,

Y/N, Tomorrow seems to come faster everyday. I trust you'll understand my worry for the state of our home country in light of recent events. I constantly worry whether opening our borders was a good thing, though it has provided aid to many people all over the world that are our brothers and sisters. The elders continue to pester me about closing our borders again, they are fearful of conflict reaching our land. Conflict that will place Wakandans in harms way. Though I fear the same, I must admit that i believe, the good that will come out of this far outweighs the bad.
I do not know what lies ahead for Wakanda, but I must say, I equally dread and anticipate the future. My dearest, I do wish that you were here in Wakanda with us, Shuri misses you as do I. I could really use your thoughts on this matter.

With all my love,

T'Challa sighed and sat back in his office chair. He grabbed the letter and walked over to the window that looked out over Wakanda. The beautiful city glowed in the sunlight. He watched as a ship flew out into the distance, right into the heart of the sunset. Casting his office into a warm glow.

He sighed as Ayo entered the room, "Your majesty, Queen Nakia," Ayo bowed before eyeing the letter in her King's hand. Nakia walked in and smiled at her husband. She glided over to the window and placed a hand on his lower back. The King flinched away from her touch.

Ignoring the hurt that crossed her face T'Challa strode over to his wooden desk and began to seal Y/N's letter.

"Writing to Y/N again my love?" Nakia asked as she stood behind his desk chair. The king simply nodded as he focused on sealing his letter to you. He jumped when Nakia reached for the letter.

"Let me see," Nakia pouted when T'Challa pulled the letter out of her reach. "I do not understand why the two of you choose to communicate by letter, in a country so advanced as ours," The Queen shook her head and laughed. She settled hersellf in top of T'Challa's desk "would holograms not allow you to express your sentiments better? The only reason you would need a letter is if you have something you need to hide," the queen laughed brightly. She quickly cleared her throat when her husband did not laugh.

After a few moments of silence she cleared her throat. "Well take a break," Nakia insisted as she pulled the papers out of T'Challa's hands. The king pulled them from her grasp again.

"Ayo," T'Challa called out the door to the warrior stationed in front of his door. "There's a little surprise before supper... T'Challa," Nakia called. The king looked up from addressing his letter to you. Nakia glared at her husband.

"I'm sorry my love," the man apologized placing the pen on the table. "I'll be there in just one moment, I promise. Have mother save my plate." He suggested.

"Ayo!" The king grinned, he grabbed the fresh letter from his desk. He placed the envelope in the woman's free hand. Please make sure this arrives to Ms. Y/L/N as soon as possible."

Ayo crossed her arms before promptly taking the letter to the mail center. The king quickly began to review meeting notes again. "T'Challa, the surprise is before dinner not during. You've all but ignored me since I walked in."

"I'm sorry you feel that way my love," T'Challa offered from his chair. He continue to search the notes turning pages absentmindedly. "What do you think Y/N is doing right now?" He looked up from his notes excitedly glancing out the window again as another plane flew off into the distance. Nakia approached the man and pulled him from the room.

"T'Challa, your son is nine years old today.  He has something he's like to show you," Nakia explained as she led her husband to the training room. "He's been practicing all day. Please try to pay attention," The young mother asked as they approached their son.

Okoye stood on the mat with the young prince. "My king," she greeted the king before turning back to the prince.

"Ready whenever you are," Okoye nodded at the young boy. "Baba, Baba look," The little boy smiled before sparring with Okoye. Even though the Dora Milaje general went relatively easy on the boy, he  impressively blocked every attack the general attempted.

After a few minutes Okoye bowed as did the little prince. "Ah, that's MY SON!" T'Challa cheered as he patted the little boy on his back. "He will be a great warrior like his father!" T'Challa beamed.

"As long as he does not freeze, like his father," Okoye snorted. Many in the room laughed as they assumed the cause of this hesitation was the queen, but Okoye shot the king a knowing look.

The setting sun followed the royal family as they walked down the long palace hall  towards dinner. As they wandered pass pictures of past monarchs, T'Challa felt there disapproving stares as he strolled in step with Nakia.
I wonder what how they would've felt about Y/N strolling the halls. His mind flashed back to the ball that brought you into his life.

"Your majesty," you bowed as the king approached you. "Please, Miss. There is no need," T'Challa smiled as your chocolate eyes met his for the first time. Your beautiful curls were pulled into a simple updo. Gold dust scattered throughout you hair, remnants dusted your skin. You glowed like a goddess in the palace lights. T'Challa froze mid sentence as you laughed quietly.

Okoye bowed and dismissed herself as she chuckled lightly at her king. T'Challa regained his composure and accepted your outstretched hand. "King T'Challa," his lips brushed your knuckles. "Y/N" you blush.

"T'Challa!" Nakia's voice shatters the young King's daydream. "Yes, my Queen," he stops and faces the woman. "My love are you sure you're alright? You've been out of it all morning." Nakia's hand gently cradled T'Challa's face as she felt for a fever.

"I am fine Nakia," The king groaned as he removed her hand from his face. "What were you saying,"The young king insisted as they stood in the long hallway. Nakia waved their children on into the dining room before she and her husband.

The two continued to stroll down the hall, instructing the chefs to serve dinner as they carried on. "I was saying I wondered if you could spare a few weeks and we could travel together somewhere, as a family. Your children are getting older, now is the time to make memories with your family T'Challa," Nakia offered.

"Nakia, now is just not a good time. The elders continue to pester me, I need to create some adjustments to the laws involving outsider involvement to get them off of my back."

"T'Challa please, just think about it. You can even work remotely. Just try, for me?" Nakia pleaded, searching his eyes. He stared into the second set of eyes that captured his interest all of those years ago.

"I will try to get away," T'Challa sighed, escorting his wife to the dining room.

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