The Problem

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"Nakia, they all look great," you smiled at the young queen. You laid over the large king size bed in T'Challa's room. The two no longer slept in the same bed, but Nakia still made use of her walk in closet.

The queen stood in front of her floor length mirror pressing a simple white dress to her torso. She ran her hands over the fabric as she pondered the option. "I just don't know. I've never been on a date before," she sighed tossing the dress on the bed.

You groaned rolling over and sliding off the bed. You grabbed two dresses and waddled over to your friend. "How do you want to feel tonight?" You questioned staring at both dresses. "I want to look sexy, but classy." She quickly added. She chewed on a fingernail as you searched through all the dresses that lay on the bed.

Finding a simple peach ensemble, you smiled and pressed it into Nakia's hand. "Stop chewing on your nails," you smiled pulling her hand from her mouth. "Y/N, I don't know what I am doing. This is all so new to me."she panicked slightly.

"Hey, you're going to be fine, and he's going to love you. Now go try the dress on." She nodded and walked behind the silk panel. As you rummaged around for a pair of shoes, a strong set of hands settled on your waist.

"I suppose there is a good reason for why it looks like my closet exploded all over my bed?" A deep chuckle greeted your ears. "Nakia is going on a date," you smiled, relishing in the feel of his hands on your waist.

"A date? With who-" T'Challa began as Nakia walked out. "How does it look y/n-" Nakia fretted as she ran her hands over the peach colored dress. "Are you sure it is not too much?" She jumped as she noticed T'Challa in the room.

"Oh T'Challa-" her apology died on her lips as he smiled. "You look beautiful Nakia," T'Challa smiled sadly. "Thank you," she blushed.

"How do you feel about it?" You questioned as you spotted a perfect pair of shoes. "I like it, but are you sure it's not too much for the queen-" She rambled. "Hey, if you like it, that's all that matters. Who cares what your father thinks?" You interrupted handing her the shoes.

She smiled gratefully walking over to put on the heels. "So when will we meet the lucky man?" T'Challa nonchalantly nosed in. "Not anytime soon," Nakia replied double checking her purse. "You don't usually bring a guy to meet your husband on the first few dates. Especially if he is his king." She pointed. Quickly grabbing her phone.

"But what if your husband is more like your big brother, who you happen to have kids with?" T'Challa responded. You and Nakia both broke into laughter. "What?" The king frowned as you hugged Nakia goodbye.

"Have fun!" you encouraged. "But not too much fun," the former prince added before you slapped his shoulder. "Eish woman! What did I do?"

"Kumkani wam, you are now asking for an annulment of your marriage instead of a divorce?" The merchant tribe elder clarified.

"Precisely, annulments may be granted with due cause if both parties agree," T'Challa reminded them. "Is the queen in agreement with the request?" Another elder questioned.

"I am. I suggested it," Nakia spoke. "Very well, what is your claim of cause your majesties?" The elders sat up.

"I have been dating another man for two months now, I would like to make it official. Though that is quite hard to do when you are married eh?" Nakia grinned.

"Quite right my queen," the mining tribe elder laughed. Nakia's father fumed. "You condone this? As an elder we are to uphold the highest standards of law-"

"Yes we are, and our law clearly grants the rights to an annulment for any woman or man who seeks it with due cause. Also, my position as the youngest elder on this council calls for me to bring you all into this century. That may be your daughter on the throne but she is a grown woman. Look at her! The queen has fulfilled her duty as wife and queen to this man. Now that there is nothing holding them together, they are two people in love with different people. I mean, king T'Challa has a baby on the way with his wife's best friend. And they are both cheating on this marriage. I see more than enough reason to grant them an annulment counselor." The woman retorted.

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