The Gift

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You bolted straight up and smacked into T'Challa. "Bast woman," he groaned cradling his nose. "Oh I'm so sorry," you jumped and cradled his face. You gingerly reaches out and brushed his nose. He flinched away from your touch. "Im sorry,"you apologized dropping your hands back to your side. "Y/N?" T'Challa asked from under you. "Huh?"you looked down. "Oh sorry!" You apologized and rolled off of him.

"Thanks," he smiled. "You good?"
"Yeah just another bad dream," you sighed standing up from the shade. T'Challa lazily followed. "You sure you don't want to tell me about it?" He asked. "This is the beginning of the second week you've been having this dream." He slowly pulled you close to him.

"I know, but I really can't share," you sighed as you walk hand in hand beside the river. Soon you both heard the roar of warrior falls up ahead.

"I still remember the day you were crowned," you smiled, then quickly frowned thinking about how you almost lost him. "How could you forget?" He laughed as you journeyed away from the falls. "It was the day I asked you to marry me."

"T'Challa?" You continued walking. "Do you still love me?" T'Challa turned to look at you as you kept walking. "What kind of question is that? Of course I love you," he smiled.

"No T'Challa, do you love me? The same way you loved me when you stood at those falls and asked me to marry you."

The king stopped dead in his tracks. "Why are you asking me this?" He spoke not turning to face you. 

"Because your wife and your mother seem to think so. Everyone is worried about us..."
"Yes," his voice cut through your rambling. "What?" You stopped. "Yes, I still love you the way I did then, but I don't see what that changes." He turned to you.

"Well, quite frankly, it changes nothing," you stated. "Exactly, so why did you want to know?"

"Because I still love you the same." You mumbled. "You do?" His face lit up like a Christmas tree as he bum rushed you. He picked you up by your waist and held you up above him. You let out a loud laugh as he gently placed you back down.

"I thought you were going to lecture me like my mother and Okoye," he smiled. 

"What exactly have they told you?" you interlaced your hands again and kept walking. "To put the past behind me, let go of my feelings. Nothing good can come of it."

"They're right you know," you laughed. "Nothing can be done about this, besides the fact that we both know. We can't act on it." You gently reminded him.

"I know. It seems we've done more damage than good," he mused. "How so?"You smiled as you began to climb the hill.

"It's seems, that for us at least, knowing brings nothing but more sorrow." T'Challa smiled sadly. "An unattainable love for the ages," you joked.

"Why did you do it?" T'Challa inquired a beat later. "Do what?"you glanced up at him. "Why'd you leave?"

"T'Challa," you sighed. "And you can not say you didn't love me," he smiled. "Nakia was head over heels for you," you started. "Yes, I know this Y/N" he interrupted.

"Shut up T'Challa. Let me tell the story," you slapped his shoulder. He raised his hands in surrender while you laughed. "As the only eligible tribal daughter, she was a shoe in for queen. She didn't know we were dating. I think that hurt her more than anything else when you proposed."

"You were ashamed of me?"

"Ashamed of you?" You scoffed and turned to the king, "T'Challa What on earth would I have to be ashamed of. You were a prince, intelligent, caring, romantic, and fine.  So fine."

"Ah, you think I am fine?"he smirked pulling you close and wrapping his arm around your waist. "Yes, but that is beside the point. I knew she loved you, and I'd never dated a Royal before, I didn't know who I could tell." You kicked a pebble on the path.

"So I didn't tell her. I didn't even tell my parents, you shocked practically the whole nation when you pulled that stunt." You laughed. "After I said yes, I saw Nakia's face, and she just looked broken. That's when I knew, I couldn't do that to her,"you felt T'Challa's hand grip yours.

"As a tribal leaders daughter, Nakia would never be allowed to leave the country for life. She could take war dog missions, diplomatic tours, but never for good. But I am nobody," you began. "You were never nobody to me," T'Challa corrected quickly.

"I know, but it the grand scheme of politics. I am just a random teacher's daughter." Your shoulders shrugged.

"Teaching is a noble position," T'Challa interjected. You laughed. "T'Challa, you do not need  to make me feel better about myself. I'm fine with my station in life. I'm just trying to say that I had more freedom with my life. So I took a position at the Wakandan embassy. I gave you back your ring and I left. Because I could do that, T'Challa. Nakia couldn't," you both settled at the crest of the hill.

"I wish you hadn't," he whispered a beat later. "T'Challa, please don't start. There is nothing we can do now." You sighed dejectedly when he intertwined your fingers.

"We should probably head back, I've got a meeting in an hour," T'Challa pulled you up with him and stretched. You moved your hand from his grip, only to be pulled back. You blushed slightly as you both began to descend the hill.

"Would you like me to attend the meeting with you?"you inquired as you neared the path back to the garden. "No. That is alright. Go back to your room and rest, I'll come and see you afterwards," T'Challa pushed you towards the rooms and watched you walked down the hall. You turned one last time to wave before walking into your room.

You quickly fell asleep on the large down feather bed. The sun continued its journey as you slept the tiredness away.

"Huh!" You bolted upright as a series of knocks ran across the door. "I'm coming," you yelled from the bed. You groaned as you slid out of the sheets. The cold marble shocked your system as you walked to the door.

Your body sank against the wooden door as you pushed it open. "Yes?" You groaned. "His majesty requests your presence in the throne room. He asks that you wear this," The Dora handed you a white box. "Are you serious?" You groaned taking the box.

"I'll meet you outside when you are done," the Dora saluted you before walking out, shuttling the door.

You set the white box down on the bed. Your fingers traced the red satin bow before pulling the end to untie it.

You pulled out a mid length strappy satin gown. The gown was a wrap v neck that was copper colored, and beautifully laid against your skin. "What are you planning Mr.Udaku," You shook your head as you went to change.

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