The Advice

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T'Challa whirled past Nakia into the room with you. "Y/N, please."

"What T'Challa!" Nakia Shuri and Ramonda quietly left the room and shut the door. "Y/N. I'm sorry ok, I should've told you about my plan beforehand," he started.

"No shit Sherlock," you rolled your eyes.

"Look we can be together now," T'Challa encouraged. Pulling your hands into his. "We can be married and they can't stop us."

"Yes T'Challa, but at what cost? Did you ever stop to think about my life? I had friends and a job that I actually loved. I had things I enjoyed, organizations I'm apart of, leadership positions. What am I supposed to do? Drop everything,have your kid, and marry you just because you are ready now?" You challenged.

The look on his face said it all, "Don't. Don't say it. Forget I even asked the question T'Challa." "What do you want me to do? We are in love. I thought you would be over the moon to marry me." He sighed.

"Well you thought wrong T'Challa! You were so wrong." You yelled. "If you love me why are you not excited. Isn't this what we wanted? Two years ago we sat in this room planning our wedding." He reasoned.

"I'm sorry if this isn't how I imagined it happening T'Challa. Especially not with most of my country hating me for ripping apart their favorite couple. I'm sorry I'm not excited for YOU going behind MY back and making major life decisions, for ME, without consulting ME! Planning to put a human, a fucking human in ME without consulting ME. T'Challa this is a child, a tiny human that I am responsible for that will wreak havoc on my body until six weeks after it's born. This isn't just a one way ticket into a marriage. This is MY body. MINE!" You raged.

"I'm sorry. Ok. I'm sorry." He started. "Is that all you have to say. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Fuck you T'Challa!" You turned to walk out of the room.

"Y/N wait ok," he grabbed your upper arm. You looked down at his hand. "Let go of me T'Challa!"

"Not until you listen to me, did you not hear them? They deliberately kept us apart."

"Yes T'Challa, they did," You shook your arm a loose, "but you are the one that pushed us apart this time." You hissed before walking out of the room.

The following weeks the Palace were silent as everyone tried to stay out of you and T'Challa's way. You had both been on edge since you argument. Not that your hormones helped. At all.

"Have you tried talking to her T'Challa?" Ramonda questioned her son. She Nakia and Shuri had been invited to his office for advice. "How can I talk to her if she won't come near me!"

"Watch your tone of voice with me young man," Queen Ramonda reprimanded as Shuri giggled. "I'm sorry umama, but you all have been at dinner, she won't even look in my direction. I tried to pull out her chair and she chose another seat." He fell into his office chair.

"T'Challa, I know it may be personal," Nakia began, " But we can actually help you until we know what you did wrong."

"Yeah, What did you do? I've never seen Y/N so mad before." Shuri sat up in her seat. "I may have tried to use the recession loophole to marry her." He mumbled.

"You What!"Shuri screamed. "You got her pregnant, on purpose!" Nakia chimed in. "T'Challa what on earth possessed you to do that. I have half the nerve to slap you into oblivion." Queen Ramonda uttered.

"I second the motion on the floor," Shuri slammed her hand against the table. "T'Challa, was Y/N privy to this plan before you impregnated her?" Nakia asked.

"No, not fully." He admitted. "Not fully? Tell me brother, exactly how much did she know?" Shuri mocked. "She knew I loved her," he offered.

"For basts sakes T'Challa!" Nakia groaned. "My son, having a baby for Y/N carries much greater consequences for her than you. Sure you committed adultery, but you will be remembered as a victim along with Nakia, no matter how much damage control you do." Ramonda explained. "And pregnancy is no walk in the Park T'Challa, She is going to be in a lot of pain and discomfort and her body will change forever." Nakia added.

"I don't even know what to say to her," The king sighed reclining back in his chair. "Have you tried apologizing?" Nakia sighed sitting down in her chair. "Yes. Of course I have that is the first thing I did!"

"No, T'Challa. Apologize specifically for what you've done. Do you even know why she is mad?" Nakia explained. "Yeah, I got her pregnant on purpose and didn't discuss having kids with her." He sighed.

"No, my son. You are only hearing half of the story. Think about it from y/N's point of view. What is she losing by having this child?" Ramonda asked.

"I don't know." He frowned. "Ok T'Challa, what are somethings she has to do now that she is pregnant." Shuri walked around to face him.

"Well She is moving back to Wakanda," he began. "Exactly she's been gone for two years." Shuri lead on.

"She's losing friends. She talked about some organizations she was apart of, she has to leave those behind as well. Her favorite restaurants. She always talked about her love for her job as well." T'Challa frowned realizing exactly how much he missed.

"Now he's got it." Shuri rolled her eyes. "Well genius now that I've ruined her life, how am I going to get her to talk to me?"

"I may have an idea," Nakia offered.


"Mama, he did it on purpose. He got me pregnant on purpose, then expects me to forgive him and be excited because it means I can marry him now?" Your mother grinned as she set the tea in front of you. She slid into the seat across from you.

"Sounds like the man is crazy about you," she smirked. "Mama!" She laughed. "I'm not saying what he did was right, by any stretch of imagination. And I'm not saying you should forgive him either. All I'm saying is this man risked his marriage and his relationship with his children in order to get you back." She stood and walked over to the chair. She gathers you in her arms and squeezed you in a hug, her head resting in the crook of your neck. "And babycakes, I know it may not have come when you were expecting it, or in the best way possible, but Bast is offering you a chance at happiness. Just take a chance to think about what you may want. Now may be your last chance to grab it."

"What am I going to do mama? This man is going to be the death of me." You groaned. "I don't know babygirl, but a man like that don't come around often. Just talk to the man ok?"she patted your shoulders before walking back to the stove in your child hood home.

The colors and chair comforted you as you stared at the palace in the distance. "Mama?" She looked up. "Will you come back to the palace with me?"

"Babygirl you don't need me for this," she laughed. "No mama, I want you to move in. I want my mama with me. I don't know what I'm doing with a baby." You whimpered gesturing towards your fourth month bump.

"Talk to T'Challa, then come back and get me." I'll be right here when you get back.

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