The Temptation

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You dusted the fallen eyeshadow from under your eyes with the loose powder and double checked your highlight. You threw your lip gloss of choice in your clutch along with your phone. After fluffing your twist out once more you glanced in the mirror.

You had no idea what he was planing, but he was going to pay for sending this dress. You popped your lips once more before walking out of the room. The Dora nodded and led you to the throne room.

Your heels were silenced by the carpet runner as you strolled to a stop outside of the large doors. The doors slid open and the Dora led you in. All eyes swiveled to you as you clicked down the stairs, commanding all of the attention you had drawn.

The Dora stopped behind you when you bowed to the elders. All mouths were slightly open, all eyes clearly questioning who this woman was. T'Challa's mouth dropped open before he regained his posture. "I'm glad you could join us Ms.Y/L/N. Please take a seat."

You nodded politely heading towards the only vacant seat in the room. "But that is Queen Nakia's seat," an elder yelled out.
"Your Queen is not here, and as far as I am concerned, right not Ms.Y/L/N is my closest female advisor in the room. I trust she, Okoye, and my mother with my life and Wakanda's." T'Challa gestured to the seat once again. "Please take a seat so we may finish."

"Yes, my king," you smirked. "But If it pleases my king, I'd rather stand at his right hand than take the seat of queen."

You walked around the empty seat to stand beside T'Challa on the throne. "Very well, shall we continue? Okoye please read the summary of this meeting."

T'Challa leaned over to you. "A bit scandalous for a council meeting eh?" "Says the person that sent it," You scoffed holding in your laughter.

"What are you talking about woman? I simply sent a Dora to fetch you."

"Eh? You did not send the white box with the red bow?" You turned to the king. "No, I sincerely have no idea what you are talking about. I am guessing you did not receive my message either?"

"What message?" You hissed.

"Your majesty?" Okoye called. "Oh yes, Okoye. I apologize. I will reread the notes in my office later. Council dismissed." T'Challa waved them away.

You both sat silently as the elders saluted T'Challa individually and walked out. Once the room was silent T'Challa extended his hand to help you move down the stairs to face him.

"Bast woman, are you trying to be the biggest scandal to rock Wakanda?" T'Challa's eyes glimmered with laughter.

"Even bigger than Killmonger trying to steal your throne?"you offered sitting on the armrest of the throne. "As scandalized as the elders seemed, you are not far off. I must say though, this dress is quite unfair."

"How so?" You asked turning towards him.

"Do not act like you do not know what you are doing Y/N," he raised an eyebrow. "You know exactly what you are doing to me."

At that moment something washed over you. Heat danced over your skin as you leaned into the King's neck.

"I'm not sure I do my king," your lips ghosted over his collarbone. You nipped at the skin of his neck before gently biting his ear lobe, "why don't you show me?"

T'Challa growled and his hand flew to your hip. His grip sure to leave bruises for you to find.

Smirking, you slide yourself onto his lap and cup his face.

"Please, my king. Show me what it is I am doing to you," You purr, kissing along his jaw.

"Alright, my love. But first, give me a little show," He says, pressing a kiss to your neck. "Strip for me."

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