The Gift

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"Alright your grace," the doctor begins as she prepared the birthing room around the royal couple. "Y/N, please call me Y/N" you interrupted. Dr.Mayre chuckled, "Not one for royal titles, are we?" you shook your head no as she begins cleaning off an area of your stomach. "We are going to induce late labor now. Now, in the best interest of the child, we are not going to speed up labor and we can not proceed with an epidural. This is already a high-risk delivery, we do not want to add in any more unnecessary factors." the African woman explained as she inserted a needle into the side of your still swollen stomach. "Do you have any idea of how long she will be in labor?" T'Challa questioned. "Do you have somewhere to be your majesty?" Dr. Mayre smirked as she moved to wash her hands at the nearby sink.

The king shook his head. "Then I suggest you get very comfortable your majesty. This could take a few minutes, or a few hours. The same as any normal delivery. Your body will proceed through the late stages of labor normally, so now we wait." she withdrew the needle and began cleaning her area. "I have some rounds to complete. I will be back shortly. If labor pains begin, please let a nurse know in my absence." the woman squeezed your hand softly before saluting her king, and exiting the spacious maternity suite.

"How are you feeling love?" T'Challa settled on the side of the bed and gently gripped your hand. "Nervous," You sighed, one hand settling on your still swollen stomach. "I've never done this before T'Challa. I don't know what I am doing. What if he doesn't like me?" You worried.

"Who entle?" The king questioned. "Our son," you whispered, your face falling. "What if I can't be the perfect mother for him? He deserves the best, What if..." you began to ramble.

"Hey, breathe," the man soothed running a hand over your curls. The king settled into the small bed next to you in order to pull you into his lap. "He will love you because you are his mother. And we are only human, neither of us will be perfect, but we can try our hardest. Together," he smiled. "It is I who should be worried. You two have been close for months now," The king jokes.

A short laugh escaped your lips, before worry and panic sank in as the first signs of contractions hit. Your face contorted in pain as a wave of searing heat engulfed your stomach and back. T'Challa shot up and allowed you to squeeze his hand as your mouth hung open in a silent scream. "Okoye!" T'Challa yelled as the contraction passed. "Ewe kumkani!" Okoye burst into the sound of the king's voice. Please, find a nurse and inform her that y/n is in labor." The king ordered. Okoye nodded quickly and nodded to her accompanying doras. Two broke off with her to race to find the nurse.

"T'Challa," You panted desperately trying to remember how Ramonda had taught you to breathe. "I am right here y/n forever and always, "The king kissed your hand as he was crushed in a vice-like grip. "Well not if you keep crushing my hand like that." the king winced. Once the contraction passed you sank back into the hospital bed, seeking to lower your heart rate. "I... I thought... you were the... black panther?" you joked breathily. You groaned as another contraction washed over you. A whimper escaped as you reached out for T'Challa. When his hand found yours, he was abruptly yanked over to you. "T'Challa, I am not doing this again. No sex, no nothing." You asserted. You released T'Challa back into his seat and slumped onto the bed.

"Entle, you do not mean that," he insisted, questioning slightly as you narrowed your eyes. "Yes, I do," you spoke through gritted teeth. "What can I do to take your mind off the contractions," he quickly switched topics, silently praying you would change your mind once the baby was born. "I do not know T'Challa," you cried out in frustration. The king sat back wrecking his brain before the perfect distraction crossed his mind. "I have a new outreach program in the works," he began as a contraction rolled over you. You cried out in anguish as the muscles in your stomach and lower back tensed all at once. In the most painful way possible.

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