The Realization

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You and Nakia waited patiently outside the Throne room as T'Challa met with the elders. "What could they possibly be discussing?" You asked Nakia.

Ramonda's warm voice greeted your ears, "it seems all of Wakanda knows of your return. And of your child."

Nakia gripped your hand, squeezing gently. "This is exactly what I was trying to avoid. Until I could talk to T'Challa at least." You sighed, anxiety beginning to gnaw at your nerves.

"News travels quickly. I'm afraid there's nothing else to really talk about here." She offered a sad smile.

"Calm down sweet girl, stress is not good for either of you." Ramonda reminded. You took a few deep breaths.

"Y/N, My Queen, Queen Mother." Okoye opened the door startled. "The council is asking for you all. T'Challa just asked me to retrieve you. Please." Okoye opened the door letting you in.

"I'm right beside you," Nakia whispered, holding onto your arm gently. The entire council rose as you entered the room. They bowed to their queen and fellow elder before acknowledging you.

Disgusted faces and whispers slapped around your confidence as you glided further into the room. T'Challa offered a small smile before turning back to the elders.

"Please be seated," he gestured towards the circle of stools. Someone brought a high backed chair for you. "What is this? She sits on throne like chair as well. Eh? Just like she was offered the Queen's position before?" An elder boldly commented.

Afire erupted behind T'Challa's eyes. Nakia shot you a questioning glance. "My chair?" She mouthed. "I can explain," you mouthed back. Everyone froze as T'Challa walked to the center of the room.

"If you all are not aware, Ms. L/N is carrying my child, she is roughly three moths along." He turned to face the elder who commented. "Expecting mothers experience a lot of swelling and pain in their backs and ankles. So, I have assigned her a chair with adequate support as to minimize her discomfort, as she was summoned here for what I can only expect will be a long and heated discussion." His face softened as he turned to his wife and mother.

"As I explained the day of, when neither my wife, mother, nor sister is present. Ms.L/N is my highest ranking adviser in the room. The seat which that position pertains to is the first chair to the right of my throne. The one which my wife usually occupies as she is the highest ranking advisor." His voice dangerously even, T'Challa turned back towards all the elders. "Do I make myself clear?"

When all the elders bowed in acknowledgement T'Challa took his seat. "Very well, let us begin again. The floor is open to questions for any of the involved parties."

The River tribe elder stood and faced you. "Ms.L/N, what is your reasoning for returning to Wakanda." A beat. "Two years ago you left the country after rescinding your acceptance of the King's proposal and requested a position at the US embassy. The only embassy that doesn't require a monthly visit home to see the king. It seems to me that you were trying to get away from Wakanda. So why return now?"

"Does the father of my child not deserve to know that he has a child? A child that is now third in line for the throne of Wakanda?" You replied tilting your head.

"That child will never see the throne," the mining tribe elder hissed. T'Challa snapped his head in her direction. "Why is that exactly?" He asked.

"Ikumkani wam, it is illegitimate. Your children by Queen Nakia will be first in line." She backtracked.

"That 'it' is my child and I claim it as my own. Which means he or she will receive all that is entitled to them as a child of mine. Including the right to challenge for the throne. Do I make myself clear?" T'Challa replied evenly.

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