The Pain Not Earned

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The Monday after next @ 3

The clock chimed 3 o'clock and your heart shattered. The king was officially an hour late for the appointment. Okoye, Ramonda, and Shuri looked on in pity as you wiped a stray tear from your eyes. "I'll kill him with my bare hands!" Shuri declared as she gripped your hands.

"inkosazana! [princess]" Okoye chastised. "What. I do not care who he is. Look at her," the teen exclaimed as she pointed at your state of distress. "He is your blood," she pushed. "He is still acting like an esile! [ass]" she huffed. "Shuri!" Queen Mother warned.

"How are YOU my dear?" The motherly woman turned to you. "Wondering which vacation home is best for me." You answered truthfully as various properties flashed through your mind. "Any of them are at your disposal. I will also see that Okoye will be given leave to travel with you, for as long as you need." She assured. Okoye nodded her agreement and thanks from her spot in the room.

"Shall we begin?" Dr. Mayre startled the party as she peeped into the room. "Yes, we are done waiting." You spoke for everyone in the room. "Very well then. I just got your lab results back and I want to run some additional tests to get some other boxes checked off." She began as she scrubbed her hand over the small sink.

"Is everything all right?" Ramonda asked as the doctor floated over in her seat. "Well yes as far as we can tell. But her urine samples showed high levels of protein and your blood pressure rose a little." The doctor explained. "These are some common signs of pre- eclampsia."

"Toxemia?" Your breath hitched in your throat. "Yes, I am afraid. I just want to ask you some questions to better gauge your situation. Have you had any headaches or rapid weight gain?"

"Not any severe migraines, but have been gaining weight. How "rapid is rapid'?" You asked. "10 pounds over the course of a few days." She clarified. "Yes, I just assumed that was normal." You confessed.

"Gaining weight within itself is, but spread out over the course of two weeks or so." Dr. Mayre clarified. "A decrease in how often you urinate? Any swelling besides your ankles and feet?"

"My hands were swelling last night but some ice seemed to remedy the situation," you explained. "As far as the urination, yes. It has decreased. But I was just grateful, I assumed my son had finally decided to choose somewhere other than my bladder to sit." You joked.

"That could very well be the case, but we don't want to take any chances." Dr. Mayre explained as she began to type test orders into her kimoyo beads. "What exactly is this toxemia?" Okoye inquired.

"It is a condition that precedes eclampsia. It prevents the placenta from receiving blood and can lead to birth complications, premature birth, and lifelong disabilities if not monitored. It can also be very deadly for the mother. I want you to stay off of your feet as much as possible. And no stress or work. At least until I can confirm that you either have or do not have toxemia," Dr. mayre explained as she prepared her blood pressure cuff.

A heavy silence seeped into the room. Dr.mayre began gently inflating the cuff.  "If I have toxemia, what are my options?" You asked as Dr. Mayre handed you a urine sample. "Fill this up for me and we can talk when you get back." The woman smiled gesturing towards the bathroom.

You nodded, Shuri held the back of your gown shut as you padded over to the restroom. Once the door shut, Dr. Mayre addressed the rest of the room. "I did not want to scare her, but this is very critical. If the test confirm what I believe she has a very high risk of pregnancy complications due to preeclampsia."

"How severe are we talking?" Ramonda questions. Dr.Mayre checked to ensure that you were in the bathroom once more before replying. "She could easily miscarry. If anything at all is stressing her, then we need to do our best to remove it from her life. As soon as possible. I'm also concerned about the lack of the father appearing at appointments. Especially this one, I would liked to have spoken to him as well." Dr. Mayre frowned.

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