The Promise

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"So, D'Ajuh, what do you do for a living?" you asked over the table. The sunset illuminated the garden around you as the family dined outside. A tall, well built man sat next to Nakia across the table from you and T'Challa. The sun sparkled in his brown eyes as he cleared his throat. "I'm a teacher, at Isidleke school in the city. I teach the 11th and 12th graders mostly. Try to prepare them to study in college or university if they choose." Nakia grinned up at the man, blushing as he squeezed her hand in his own. Their brown fingers interlaced on the table, contrasting the cream table cloth beautifully in the summer sunset.

"Do many choose to study abroad, when given the option?" you inquired. "Yes, many see America over the television nowadays, they practically leap at the chance." their interlaced hands waved around together as D'Ajuh expressed his passion for the children and their success. "Though not usually for the right reasons," the mild mannered teacher laughed. "Though, I am proud to say, many come back with an appreciation for their brothers and sisters in America. Also, a lot more grateful for what they have here." The african man smiled as he took a sip of his water.

"That I can understand, it definitely gives you a different outlook on life, spending time there." you smiled. "Y/N, spent some time working in America on behalf of our country. Many of her stories from abroad were very enlightening as to what people deal with on a daily basis. "Exactly,this is the experience I feel that many of our students should experience to better appreciate what we have here at home. If I may speak quite frankly," the man stopped to glance at T'Challa for approval. "Please, a friend of Nakia's is a friend of mine." he gestured for the man to continue. "Well, many of my students, have expressed interests in wanting to open an exchange student program here in Wakanda, where students may come and study with our students here for an American semester. Especially those in the sciences, arts, and humanities. I believe it is a grand idea and beneficial experience for both groups of students." the young teacher explained. "Many students in America will never know, or experience a culture of people who look like them and have technology like this very often. Also having an total immersion experience here in Wakanda, which will help with maturity and problem solving skills, besides creating more well rounded brothers and sisters."

"I believe it sounds like a wonderful program to at least consider," Nakia added glancing at T'Challa. "I agree, i'd love to meet with you about that D'Ajuh,' the king nodded. The dinner descended back into comfortable silence. The couple continued to sneak glances and share laughs. "Would someone like to share what is so funny, eh?" you chastised jokingly. The couple chuckled like two children caught passing notes in class. Nakia blushed darker as D'Ajuh cleared his throat, "Well, I was telling Nakia, that she looks radiant in this light right now. And her skin has a glow that would only rival that of the Wakandan sunset." the teacher ducked his head.

"Are you having sex with my wife?" T'Challa interrupted."T'Challa!" you hissed swatting his arm as Nakia tried to refrain from choking on her water. D'Ajuh tried to aid her attempts as he gathered his own thoughts. "Um," he stuttered.

"You don't have to answer that," you apologized as you shot a glare in T'Challa. "I am your-"
"T'challa," you warned your voice gaining a slight edge. The king sank back into his seat still staring intently at the young couple's hands. His hand sought out yours and squeezed posessively. The night held a certain awkwardness as dinner progressed. It seemed that every move D'Ajuh made, T'Challa had to out do. If D'Ajuh offered a roll, T'Challa offered a cake. As dinner finally came to a close, the other man helped Nakia out of her seat, while T'Challa tried to convince you to let him carry you around bridal style for the rest of the evening. And tonight, for some reason, "no"was not registering in the King's vocabulary  or conscious.

"T'Challa, stop it!" you hissed, swatting his arms away. "D'Ajuh gets to help Nakia out of her seat, I just want to help my pregnant girlfriend around the palace." he fussed and whined. "Exactly, I am pregnant, not incapacitated or invalid. I can walk T'Challa, after Nakia and D'Ajuh leave then I will let you carry me to my room, ok?"

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