The Pointless Resistence

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"I thought we were going to the waterfall to swim," T'Challa called from behind you as you picked your way through the foliage.

"We are," you replied stopping to let him catch up. "Then why are you wearing a jumpsuit?" He laughed. You looked down at your white cover up. Even though you didn't want to believe Nakia, and Queen Mother, you knew better than to tempt the devil. You hadn't had time to thoroughly search for a more modest swimsuit. The swimsuit wasn't scandalous, but with your new found knowledge, it would be more than enough to tempt the man who was still in love with you.

"No reason, maybe I'm cold?" You shrugged as you continued to walk through the forest. "Y/N this is Africa, we've never been cold a day in our lives," The king joked as he caught up with you.

"Ok, so maybe I don't have the most 'appropriate' swimsuit to go swimming, alone with a married man in." You blushed. T'Challa grabbed your arm and mmmkipulled you back to him. "Hey, it's just me," he smiled.

You pulled away and kept walking in silence. Soon you two reached the waterfall and sat on the edge. "That's bull T'Challa," You blurted into the silence.

"What is?"

"It's just me," you mocked the king. "It's just me' are for just friends, guys you see like brothers. Not for two people were in love."

"Are in love,"he corrected. "T'Challa," you raised your voice to stop him. "No, Y/N. I know you feel it too."

"T'Challa you are married. With children for Bast sake." you chastised.

"Yes, I'm married to a woman I have feelings for, but I love you. I always have and always will," he reached for your hands. You quickly jumped up and turned away.

"Y/N," he called. "Then why did you marry her T'Challa? Why did you have kids with her?" You asked a few beats later.

"Because the woman I love, wanted me to, because you insisted she could give me what you couldn't. I never believed you, but you were so happy," he began.

"Not T'Challa, don't make this my fault. You did this. You married her. No one forced you to do that."

"No, you did. The moment you gave up on me you forced my hand. And you know that. The moment you rejected. My proposal you knew my arranged marriage with Nakia would have to go through. I know you knew that because you apologized. The night before, the last time I kissed you, you apologized. The only difference between then and now, is that now I know why you apologized," he hissed at your back.

"I did it because she loved you!" You cried out. "She loved you and she was my best friend and I couldn't do that to her. I couldn't force her to watch that first hand. I could leave, watch from afar, but she would have had to watch first hand."

"Bull," T'Challa whipped the word at your back. " What about me? Did you ever consider how I would feel, what my life would be like? Married to another woman, having to giver her children while I was writing love letters to her best friend!" He yelled.

"Selfish!" You turned to face the king. "You're so damn selfish T'Challa!" You screamed at him. He jumped up from the bank and stormed over to you. "You are so selfish T'Challa it blinds you to the outside world!"

"You are so damn selfless! So selfless you ruin your own life sometimes. That's why we are perfect for each other. We complete each other. Selfless and selfish. Why couldn't you see that woman!" He cupped your cheeks and pulled your lips to his.

Your hands immediately wrapped around his neck and played with the hair at his nape. When he realized you weren't letting go he wrapped his hands around your thighs, "jump" he commanded into the kiss. You immediately wrapped your legs around his waist without hesitation. You forgot what his lips felt like pressed again yours.

He felt like home. His tongue traced your bottom lip before he bit it softly. You moaned as his lips left yours and journeyed to your neck. He layered kisses all over your skin leave a tiny fire in his lips place. His mouth sucking on the juncture between your neck and shoulder pulled you out of your stupor.

"T'Challa Stop!" You cried jumping down from his waist. You took two steps back as his  eyes slowly began to wake up. "what did we just do?" You slightly panicked.

"Y/N, breathe," he called cautiously taking a step forward. "What did I just do, I promised Nakia, and your mother," you looked up and took a step back. "Stay over there T'Challa."

"Y/N please, nothing happened. Please don't be mad at me." He took another step towards you. "Nothing! T'Challa I wouldn't call that nothing. I almost went there with you. I'm not mad I just don't trust myself right now around you."you admitted.

T'Challa continued taking steps toward you.  "T'Challa please," You half begged as he closed the distance between you.

"Y/N, don't run this time, stay," he begged as he grabbed your waist. Tears welled in your eyes as you fought with yourself.

He cupped your cheek and searched your eyes. "Stay," he begged. You sighed. "T'Challa if I stayed, what would I be? The woman who ruined your marriage. Your royal consort?"

"Other kings have had them." He joked. "T'Challa I'm serious," you started. "So am I, this overthinking is what got us into this mess." He replied. "Live in the moment and stay."

"T'Challa I can't live in the moment as a woman, with no social standing, I have to think about what comes after this," you pulled away from him.

"As a king, I also have to think of the repercussions of openly having an affair with a woman who is not my wife," he retorted.

"Then don't have one,"you pulled away from his arms. "It's a challenge I'm willing to face Y/N. I want you."

"What about your family? What will your children think?" You asked. "We'll cross that road when we get to it." He pulled you back in and kissed your forehead.

"I don't know T'Challa, just because you love me, doesn't mean you get to have me," You sighed running your fingers through his beard.

"At least let me have you for tonight, before you run." He pleaded. "T'Challa," you started. "Please, be selfish for one night," he begged. He captured your lips in his own. Soon his body was on yours and you didn't say no.

Take A Break (A T'Challa Udaku Story)Where stories live. Discover now