The Decisions That Kill

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So I told the girl," the soft vibrations of your kimoyo beads interrupted your story. You glanced down at the message before screwing your face up in confusion. "Just have an open mind please?" You glanced up at Okoye. "What is Shuri talking about?" You questioned the now nervous warrior.

"I didn't know it was so soon," she muttered standing from her spot just as a series of knocks ran across the door. "Who is that?" Okoye visibly stiffened at your question. "Okoye-"

"Y/n?" A deep voice called through the heavy wooden door, "I know you are in there entle."

"You called T'Challa!" a hiss flew from your lips before the woman could explain. "Shuri sent him! I just knew he was coming, I thought she meant later today." The warrior whispered running over to hand you a house robe.

"Y/n I just want to see you please," The king pleaded. "Just one-moment Kumkani," Okoye called helping your pregnant form into the robe. After it was over your shoulders she walked over to the door. The scowl still evident on your face, the African woman shot you an apologetic grimace before pulling open the door. You spun to face the window as she greeted her king.

"Kumkani." Okoye bowed curtly before walking out. You heard the door click shut softly. The grass had never been more interesting than it was in those moments of silence. "Y/N?" his voice caressed the trace of your spine from where he stood. Silence infiltrated the room as your throat began to burn and tears pricked the corner of your eyes. "Baby, you have got to talk to me. Tell me what you need from me. I can not read your mind, and being apart is not good for either of us."

"I was doing fine until you got here." you insisted, knowing that you were being childish, you refused to turn and look him in the eye. You could not bear to see his face after what you said. "Then look me in my eye and say so." T'challa's low whisper just reached your ears. Your eyes widened, "What?" you breathed."

"If you were doing just fine without me, then look me in my eyes and say so." He remained firm as his footsteps slowly advanced towards you. "T'Challa I-" your voice hitched as he stopped right behind you. His hand gently ran his fingers over the back of your shoulders and down your arms. "You were what?" he replied. Silence again enveloped the room. "Tell me entle," he gently demanded.

"If you wanted Nakia, then why did you, why did you have sex with me. Why did you get me pregnant."  The sentence trailed off into a whisper as the question that had been plaguing your sleep for weeks now, slipped off your chest. "What makes you think I want Nakia?" he whispered from behind you. "You missed the appointments T'Challa. I knew you would miss most of them, but you missed both of the appointments you promised to be there for. For our son-" a strangled sob reached the front of your throat, you quickly pushed it down. You refused to break down in front of him. He did not deserve to see you cry. "If not for me, you were not even there for our son T'Challa. I know he's not your first, but he is still your son. I thought we meant more than that to you."

"Y/N look at me," he sighed, "Please." Reluctantly, you slowly turned to face the man that was the root of your current emotions. "Hi," he whispered. "Hi," you whispered back, your breaths mingling together in the shared space.

"I can never apologize enough for how I have been treating you and our baby. That was my responsibility to show and support you and my son. Our son. And I failed, and for that, I will never forgive myself entle. But, the answer you want is not one I can give you. For it is not mine to give. I know I owe you an explanation. But it is not currently something I can give you." the king admitted sadly.

"Then things will remain as they are T'Challa." you stiffened, stepping out of his embrace. As of right now, I have no reason to believe that you are not still wanting to be with Nakia-" T'Challa's face fell. "You think I am cheating on you."

Take A Break (A T'Challa Udaku Story)Where stories live. Discover now